University of Miami Class of 2024

It seems like no. I also have not heard of any cases of people getting in since the survey.

I just got off the waitlist for admission in the spring of 2021. I didnā€™t get a call, but I got a new admission letter in the message center. Either way, I am surprised I got off but I am just waiting to see the financial aid package.

@dannyrb1 congrats!! When does it say the message was sent?

@summerfun120 Thanks! It was sent at 5 PM yesterday

@dannyrb1 Congrats on your admission!! What is your intended major?

@umiamii2024 Thank you! Iā€™m majoring in aerospace engineering

@dannyrb1 Thats great! Did you do anything to get off the waitlist? Like send any letters or anything? Also, did you receive that survey on May 8th?

@umiamii2024 Actually I didnā€™t send any letters or anything, but yes I did fill out the survey.

Hey guys , I dont know what to do , I havenā€™t received any admission updates since I submitted my application, but I did receive an email on March 27th saying that they have switch to regular decision cause of the pandemic . Its may 21 and I still dont know nothing.

@Optimusthinker call the admissions office

Are you saying that you never received any admission notification? The RD decision was sent on March 25th. Have you checked your Portal? If nothing, you need call right now.

I called them and emailed then but they told me that admission letters are sent on a weekly basis , so to wait basically.

@dannyrb1 congratulations!! did you get an email saying there was an update to the message center?

@Nemore12 yes thatā€™s exactly what happened

Congrats @dannyrb1! My son got the same offer. He is strongly considering. Is your plan to take classes in the fall?

@collegemom71 well I was accepted for a spring admission but unfortunately I wonā€™t be receiving my financial aid package in time and I canā€™t take the risk of committing and then not having a good package. So I had to decline admission for this year, but Iā€™ll definitely be applying to transfer.

Does anyone have an idea of whether thereā€™s an upcoming wave soon or no?

@ProtonAgent I just called and they said they are continuing to asses the waitlist. They also said that the waitlist is completely random.

@umiamii2024 What do you mean by completely random? are they releasing the decisions randomly rather than doing it in waves, or they are picking the students from the waitlist randomly?

@ProtonAgent they are picking students randomly from the waitlist meaning it is not ranked. I think the waitlist acceptances will come out in waves as it has in the past.