University of Miami EA 2022

Just starting this b/c I know people will have questions about applications and all. EA should hear back around the 20th of December.

Actually EA won’t hear back until the 20th of January. December is for ED decisions only.

whoops I meant January

It is possible that high achieving applicants will hear back around January 20th if they are under consideration for one of the premier scholarship programs at the U. Otherwise, early action applicants should here back about a week later around the 26th.

Hi can someone chance me? Journalism major. I applied EA, 1230 SAT score (650 in CR and 580 in math) 4.0/4.0 UW, 6 AP classes in total throughout all HS years. I am in the Top 2% of class rank. I’m editor-in-chief of my school’s paper, president of national honor society, vice president of my school’s ambassador program, and a bunch of other ec. I interned for Google this past summer and I have a good relationship with one of the faculty members of the UM Com department. I also have a very solid essay, my topic was very unique and inspirational and rated a 9 on a AP English scale.

I have been accepted to 13 colleges so far (Emerson, Temple, University of South Florida, University of Tampa, Marist, Howard and many others).

Also got a 20/24 on the SAT essay and I had that faculty member from UM “tag” my application. What are my stats?

Just got an FB message back from Undergraduate Admissions that EA decisions will be out in early February.

@dreamchaser2k18 very low SAT relative to the rest of your stuff. Colleges can tell when a school practices grade inflation.

Your EC’s are also very generic and a whole lot of nothing, in my opinion. Only thing that is somewhat impressive is your Google internship.

I think you have a small shot, though. Good luck.

Applied to UM as undecided major ( school of communication)EA. I am an international student from Russia. GPA unweighted 4.0 . No SAT required. Toefl 94, visited UM for 2 times. Top 1%
Listed 10 activities
3 volunteer activities, 4 art, 3 foreign exchange projects.
Do I have a chance to be admitted ?
When is EA decision is going to be eased? I read that some people have already received their scholarship weekend invitation, but I don’t have anything on my CaneLink or in my e-mail inbox.

I think you’re really wrong. I do have a decent shot at getting in. I’m not the best test taker but since I’m going for journalism that 650 in CR and a 20/24 on the essay DOES coincide with my major and grades. My essay was also very strong, all the components that required English is on point. The ONLY weak factor is that score from the math section.
Also my school does not inflate grades, so mind yourself. UM can tell that I don’t like math based on other things not just Sat score. But I’m not gonna get into that. As long as my English section stands out , I’m good. There’s more to my ECs (service projects, internships with Fortune 500 companies, etc) but I’m not gonna post verbatim due to confidentiality. Based on other people’s feedback from other forums, I have a medium chance at getting in. @ucfdefere

SAT scores are a cutoff. Your SAT is in the 25th percentile. All I really have to say. Like I said, I do think you have a shot, just a small one.

@DreamChaser2013 Your chances are very good. Don’t listen to @ucfdefere. It’s true your SAT scores are low but you are trying to major in journalism not a STEM related major. Your grades are great and any suspicion of grade inflation will be squashed by your class rank and your participation in those AP classes and exams. I don’t know what planet @ucfdefere lives on(Planet Jealousy?)but things like president of NHS and internships at Google are not generic ECs.

Hi, can someone chance me too? I go to a very competitive independent high school in NJ, have a 3.8 GPA, a 1480 SAT, have taken 6 APs and most other honors, and applied Undecided. I am very involved in theatre and school publication, while also having a good amount of service hours. I was accepted EA into University of Richmond, Tulane, Elon, Rutgers, and deferred from Northeastern. I’m a strong writer, so I think my essay was pretty good, but I’m worried about my GPA.

@EDHDAD NHS is a joke.

@taratarataratara What is your class rank? That helps put your grades in context.

@ucfdefere You know this a thread for UM, not Harvard or Stanford…right? You may think NHS is a joke, but I’m sure UM will see their involvement as president of their school’s chapter as very commendable.

@EDHDAD my school doesn’t rank for some reason.

@taratarataratara If the 3.8 GPA you mention is your unweighted GPA then you are in good shape. If represents your weighted GPA after 6 AP’s then that’s an awful lot of B’s in your transcript. But obviously it wasn’t a problem for University of Richmond or Tulane which are tougher to get into than Miami. It could go either way really.

@taratarataratara On the surface, your stats look competitive. For some reason, Gpas in other parts of the country seem higher than in NJ. It’s hard to say why. You were admitted to Richmond and Tulane and deferred at Northeastern. Since those schools draw from a similar pool and are like Miami in difficulty of admission, I would use their decisions to assess your chances. That said, I think you have a good chance at Miami. Just remember, this entire college process is a bit random, and a little luck can only help. Good luck!

@EDHDAD you know what, you’re right. I’m just skeptical about his SAT score. Hopefully he gets in regardless.