University of Miami EA 2022

no one knows when EA decisions will come out- they will be posted in your cane link account. UM website says sometime in late January

@Mom2NND i asked when not where.

i meant the other way around. where not when*

Last night cane link now says FEBRUARY!

@eltu24 where do you see that? i saw they said that online, but cant find it on my cane link

Hi all – my S is a freshman at the U (admitted last year EA 1/26/17). Anyways, he works at the Enrollment Office & was pulled into duty on Tuesday to help package all the EA admissions packets that were being prepped for mailing. As email acceptances go out first (usually a Thurs), followed by the exciting “thick envelope” received a few days later via snail mail, I think those EA decisions are going to be posted any day now. Good luck!

Thanks @Steglitz90 . Great info and fingers crossed!!! My son applied to 5 schools and he’s waiting on ALL! It’s driving us nuts!

Does anyone have an estimate about the time the decisions will be available on canelink?

@buddy143614 I was looking at last year’s EA decisions and they started to come in on the 26th at around 5:00pm, so i was hoping to hear something by now but nothing yet :confused:

apparently EA decision notifications are pushed back to early Feb per the UM website. Don’t hold your breath for any notifications with in the next week

@Mom2NND just out of curiosity where did you see that on the UM website? I’m looking here

and it still says late January.

@NJEMT19 I thought the same thing. That is an older version of the web page. If you look closely it talks about 2015 tax forms NOT 2016. The correct website now shows notification for EA Late Jan.-Early Feb with 2016 tax forms

@NJEMT19 here is a link to where they have it on their website:

@Steglitz90 any update? I read your previous comment about them starting to package up the mail last Tuesday, and you also mentioned they would release online the same day they ship them. Do you think today is the day they Ship/Release online? Thanks!

I received an email saying that a mail was ready to send to my home from FedEx. Does anyone else have any news?

@marniekagame yeah I got the same email. hoping that its something good

how did you guys receive the email? On the cane link or personal email? @marniekagame @kuwaitarch

@bellasienna123 @marniekagame @kuwaitarch I think they received an email through FedEx and a FedEx account. IS that right, or did you get it from Miami?

@jackd341 FedEx sent me an email just saying that University of Miami has scheduled to deliver a package on the first of February. there was nothing on CaneLink, it was all done through the email that I used to apply.

@kuwaitarch are you international?