University of Miami EA Class of 2025

Oh I don’t believe it either. Was just relaying information someone else gave me. I think it is very unlikely as well

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Does anyone know specifics?

I’m pretty sure it will come out between 3-5 p.m. ET and not in waves. Thats how ed came out


ED came out 2:00 pm EST

I made an account but have always used college confidential, just thought I should share what I heard but I understand where you’re coming from.

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ED came out earlier than usual this year

wait so do we think that decisions will come out today? I remember reading posts from previous years saying that they come out on thursdays.

No more than likely either this Friday at 3est or next Friday at 3est

I have heard mixed things. Has anyone received decisions yet for EA?

no i haven’t yet

I haven’t

Nothing yet

I’m just hoping for tomorrow😔

On Instagram, they said late Jan/early Feb when the EA release question was asked. And that’s what they stated on their FB live webinar as well. If it’s tomorrow, it’ll be a surprise.


I am pretty confident that they will not be released until next week…And with the caveat per their web site, as late as “Early Feb.”

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They released decisions on Jan 24th last year which is equivalent to tomorrow…


If decisions came out Jan 24 last year, which was the 2nd to last Friday in Jan, then decisions should come out tmr, which is the 2nd to last Friday this Jan.


Would love to hear everyone’s current thoughts. I’m so conflicted in what I think is going to happen. Admissions officers keep saying late jan early feb even today, when tomorrow is traditionally the day they are released. If they have plans to release tomorrow, not sure why they aren’t letting us know. Leads me to believe it’s not ready and we will be delayed much longer:

Thoughts, anyone?

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I think late January is the default answer because its better to under promise and over deliver. Its very possible that even if they did have plans to release tomorrow (which I don’t think they do), that they would not say so because there is always the possibility that they will run into last minute technical difficulties.


When do you expect the release?