University of Miami EA Class of 2025

well, there goes that theory! lol!

We got the email. I was thinking it went to OOS full pay kids too! We are OOS MA also.

From following some news reports about applications this year, my understanding is many colleges are getting lots of instate kids applying more this year likely due to Covid. Also less ED because many, like us, havenā€™t visited the vast majority of the schools he applied. I think schools are doing what they can to sure up ED numbers. Seems also that many schools are extending application due dates to Jan 4, 7, 15 etc. I also read that applications are way down in international and in underserved populations which is very sad.


GPA 3.4UW/3.75W (health issue freshman year impacted that years GPA. All remaining years above a 4.




Good luck to everyone. I hope that all kids have choice and options!


Are you instate or OOS?

Iā€™m OOS full pay and didnā€™t get the email

I got the email! Good luck everyone :slight_smile:

I applied from TX. 1540 SAT + 3.78 UW + ranked top 3% + good ECs. Full pay.

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My D got the letter. Sheā€™s OOS. Qualifies for FA. She also has a sibling currently at The U, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s going to help her!

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ok well there goes my hypothesis!

I got the email! Not sure if it means anything but I guess weā€™ll see in a month or so!
Good luck everyone!

received an email saying application update and that Iā€™m a finalist for full tuition!!! Im so hype



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Thank you!!

Finalist for full tuition, is there further application involved? Essay?

Yes I have to write an essay and then after that they choose

Did you have to do anything other than applying EA to be eligible for full tuition? Is this merit based or need based or a combo?

Thanks and good luck!

From what I read on the website itā€™s merit based and I did nothing but apply EA. Thank you!!

What is the prompt for the finalist essay?

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has anyone been notified that they are a semi-finalist for the stamps scholarship?

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Prominent antagonist in fictional work are often in positions of power despite their obvious flaws. Identify one of these antagonist and explain what makes them an effective leader.

Thatā€™s the prompt for the Issac Bashevis Singer and Marta S and L. Austin Weeks Premier Scholarships.


Effective flawed antagonist, why do they have to keep Mr. Trump in discussion?

What is the word limit for this Politico rhapsody?

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Does anyone got an invitation for stamps scholarship? If I didnā€™t receive invitation for a premier scholarship, does it mean that I wonā€™t have any of them? My friend had one tonight for full-tuition, however his stats are lower than mine. I am confused.

SAT: 1500
GPA: 3.8 UW