University of Miami EA Class of 2025

what is your unweighted gpa?

at my school: A is 94-100 and A- is 91-93
iā€™ve gotten Aā€™s in all classes freshman-junior year except for 2 classes (i got A- in H Geometry freshman year and H Chemistry sophomore year)
we havenā€™t gotten our official grades back for senior year yet but hereā€™s what iā€™m pretty sure iā€™ll end up with: A- in AP Calc AB/BC, A- in AP Spanish Lang, A in AP English Lit, A in H Anatomy & Physiology, Aā€™s in my 0.25 credit classes
our school uses block scheduling which is similar to college in that we have final grades for each semester and start new classes in january

3.56 :((

Did anyone turn in their financial aid form late?

Here is my take that you should feel free to ignore -

  1. Your weighted GPA seems low relative to what you shared. Either you have that wrong, your high school does not weight advanced course as greatly as other high schools or colleges will unweight your GPA (as I am) and build it back up their own way.
  2. There is no way to know, for 100% certain, how someone will determine your unweighted GPA, but I estimate it would be approximately .2 greater than mushroom03 suggests. Assume a 3.75.

If you would like to share your information again in a single email and remind me whether you are applying EA, ED2 or RD, I would be happy to confirm your odds of being accepted.

Good luck.

My school weights our GPAs like this:
4.7 for A in AP class
4.3 for A- in AP class, A in Honors class
4.0 for B+ in AP class, A- in Honors class, A in college prep (CP) class

(a few CP courses iā€™ve taken have been required and do not offer honors so i think thatā€™s why my W GPA is lower that youā€™d expect)
also my W GPA i stated earlier doesnā€™t include my senior year (just freshman, sophomore, and junior year)

Thanks for responding so quickly to all of my posts! Iā€™ve appreciated your feedback

Hi! I applied to the U and its my dream school! I applied EA and Iā€™m so anxious to see my decision! My unweighted GPA is a 3.9 and weighted is 4.2. I didnā€™t submit test scores and I had good rec letters and good essays. I am team captain of my schools swim team, public relations secretary of NHS, I created a website, am a member of a student led pediatric cancer charity club, am a member of a student run tutoring service, and do club swimming. What do you think my chanced would be?

I reread and saw you applied EA. You should be admitted EA, but there is a slight chance of a deferral. There is almost no chance of an immediate rejection.

Good luck!

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I like your chances. Good luck!

Thank you!

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Thank you so much for your help!

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My D has similar stats as @emilychazen. What are the chances for Merit? She loves UM, but without some financial support, affordability is an issue.

Did you visit campus? We still have to visit!

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Based upon some research I did, merit $$ was offered to people who look like that and applied ED. I would assume the criteria would be somewhat similar EA and RD, but no way to know for sure.

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You will love the campus! My S is a sophomore. My D applied EA, but I think it will be a stretch for her to be accepted. My fingers are crossed because I would love them both at UM! Good luck!

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Good luck to your D too! Hopefully having your S there will help! This waiting is killing me! :joy:

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Will selecting pre-med on my application hurt my chances of admission?

donā€™t ever post an essay on a public forumā€¦people can steal it


aside from never posting an essay on a public forumā€¦next advice religion is a topic I would stay away from. you donā€™t know who is on the other side reading that essay. they may take offense on your depiction of Christianity and God.

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With UM being one of my top choices, I wanted to know if anyone has any insight on when EA decisions may be released. I know from previous years it is usually a Friday evening in late January. For this year, are we talking 1/22 or 1/29? Is it possible they come out the first week in February? I couldnā€™t find any detailed info on this, just that they will be out ā€œlate January-early February.ā€ Thank you and good luck to all!