University of Miami EA Class of 2025

I have a feeling it’s going to be in late January only because the scholarship submission said that you will be notified if received in late January. The 29th seems probable though

i applied EA so thought I’d put down my stats :slight_smile:
small side note i applied to case western ED II since it’s my top school (i got deferred because of yield protection) but anyways

GPA: 4.080 W 3.927 UW (4.0 scale)
Class Rank: 10/387
APs: I think a total of 10 and I got a 4 on APUSH and AP Calc AB
This year I’m taking Calc BC, Lit, US Gov, Bio, and Chem
IBs: 7 total (I didn’t take any tests tho)
This year I’m taking Econ
Honors Classes: 4 total
EC’S: I had some pretty good ones but we’ll never know (I had leadership positions in every one tho)
Essay: my common app one is amazing (not my opinion! my friend’s dad is an admissions officer at Rice and he read it and said it was really good)
Supplement: I wrote mine similar to a breakup letter to the adversities that came my way
LORs: one of them was really good, the others were normal
ACT/SAT: I applied test-optional since most of my family members are in the high-risk category
Demonstrated Intrest: I went to one information session

good luck to everyone~

I’m guessing 1/22 for EA decisions based on past years.


Does anyone know how many people get the Hammond scholarship? I’m a finalist but I don’t want to get my hopes up.

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I feel this a lot and from the pictures it looked like 30 ish

students who are selected for a merit scholarship are admitted in the uni ?

just curious, what effect does a drastically different (like 1.0 apart) W and UW gpa take on your admission chances? do schools like not to see this?

Most of the time if you are a finalist you are admitted just a matter of getting the scholarship

what about those who are the semi finalist for stamps ?

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I think it’s all going to be named the same day

Did anyone else apply TO? DD did, just wondering how she will fare. Wrote a great essay and 4.0 W with APs, Honors at a very competitive HS, lots of volunteering, job and EC. Any thoughts?

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S applied TO. Like your DD, he has a solid application (but his UW GPA is 3.7 - no weighting at HS). His SAT was well below UM’s 50% so he would have immediately been screened out, which I have always felt was unfair (he is my third to go through this process.) I do feel like his app will get a good look, but only because he opted out of tests.

I think we need to take the U’s word at face value which is that with or without tests, they will all be treated equally - we’ll see.


Thanks and agreed in hoping they review holistically for all. My DDs tests were cancelled 5 times and so decided to apply all TO. She has gotten several acceptances so there’s hope :slight_smile:

Similar situation for S. He was fully prepared to take the SAT in March, then it was canceled, then again in May and June. His high school offered it in October with very little warning - he took it and did poorly. He submitted it to some schools and not to others. He’s done well so far, but has yet to hear from his reaches like UM. Good luck!

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I applied TO and was a finalist for full tuition your dd should be fine!


My D applied EA, have all the finalists been notified for scholarships? If she hasn’t heard anything yet does it mean no scholarship or merit? Or will they continue to notify people?

Full tuition more than likely have been notified because the essay was due January 3rd however there are other merit scholarships.

Any estimate of when Miami will release EA this year?

its gonna be this friday. check umiami admissions on insta