University of Miami EA Class of 2025

Congratulations! What do you think helped her to get full tuition? Thank you.

Did Health Profession Mentoring HPM decision come out with EA decision?

Got Foote scholar, but heard nothing about HPM. Is there a HPM rejection letter?

Hard to tell with so many qualified applicants. Strong academics - class rank 1/400+ in a competitive magnet public school in FL which Miami probably knows well. Good essays. Had several leadership positions in clubs where she was involved all years in high school mostly science/medical focused. Danced for 10 years and played on the high school varsity golf team. Having said that she was deferred from Tulane, so you never know. Thrilled about Miami though!!

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Accepted (Herbert Business School)

31 ACT
3.83UW 4.15W

Founded 2 Startups
President of 3 clubs
National Athlete
Lots of ECs

Merit Scholarship 22K/Year
International Student

Are you an international student?? Could tell me at what time did you receive your decision?

I am international student, I applied EA and I havenā€™t received my decision yet.


I havenā€™t got my decision yet, I applied EA and my application was completed on time. What should I do??

Hey, i got my decision around 4:15 PM EST

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omg same! : (

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Really? You applied EA and you still donā€™t have the decision??

Yeah, I did apply EA and I checked my portal today but I hadnā€™t received any status update.

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It is so weird. I know many internationals that already got their decisions! Could it be something related with the country?? My admission counselor is:
Natalie Laurent,
Associate Director
Africa, Europe, Middle East, South Asia, UK.

Who is your counselor?

My admission counselor is:
Charles Cammack
Associate Director
Heā€™s a great guy and heā€™s helped me a lot. I actually had to write another supplemental essay because I had a unique education background. I wasnā€™t informed about it until a week ago and so my admission counselor said heā€™d inform the admission committee and vouch for my decision to be released along with the other EA decisions. Iā€™m not sure what happened though.
It might be a country specific thing but I highly doubt that. Which country do you reside in?

I am from Europe, Spain. What about you??

Oh wow, Iā€™m coming to Spain in May for a summer program (given than corona doesnā€™t ruin this summer as well).
Iā€™m from India

I tried to contact the school, but no one is working today :frowning:

A Miami Admissions counselor posted yesterday in the Parents of college bound - class of 2021 fb group that decisions might take a week to come in.

Our son got in and is very excited!

ohhhhhh, so, some decision can be still pending?

Congrats to your son!!

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Yes - the admissions counselor said it could take up to a week from yesterday at 2pm. Thanks so much!

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Daughter admitted
Neuroscience major
Extracurriculars specific to medical field
2 recommendations
Visit to the school in October
Canes scholarship 12k

Deferred. 3.8 UW/TO/good ECā€™s, variety sports, service, employment, demonstrated interest in area of study (marine biology), great essays and written materials.

A few others in same HS got admitted yesterday with higher GPAs so that could have influenced it as part of their yield.

Assuming a deferral is basically a denial so there ya goā€¦