University of Miami EA Class of 2025

Same here! Also thrilled about michigan but it’s weird bc she really liked Miami.

Thank you!

My two cents - and I can’t say you’ll get in as your SAT is a bit low - but my belief is kids are applying to more colleges today because the test optional thing. So if a kid was applying to 7 before, maybe 9 today. My daughter applied to 21. Why not?

If a college gets 20% more applicants and the yield is the same, they’re in huge trouble. They don’t have housing or teaching capacity.

So by deferring so many - they can see - how many apply ED 2 (because they’ll know then they are coming) and how many withdrawal. In theory, if people are applying to more schools, yields have to go down.

The issue with ED2 - if you get in with your #s, you’re likely not going to get merit.

Is the cost worth it whereas there are other schools - public and private - that are great and will cost you a lot less.

That’s what you have to decide.

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I doubt that I will get a merit and I know that, but I believe I would qualify for financial aid. When I do the estimated cost calculator it comes to around 20k a year. I also have florida prepaid that can go towards Miami.


My D was accepted EA with excellent stats so not sure about the yield theories suggested. Guess time will tell. These decisions are very random… have to trust the process even though I have my own concerns.

If you get a scholarship can you still get financial aid?

@palmtrees124 Yes, you can still get financial aid but be aware that it will not be more than your EFC. Merit scholarships count towards your aid. Outside scholarships like Florida bright futures, etc will affect your aid.

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The theory of switching to ED makes total sense. It will allow the school to truly know your intentions, while somewhat protecting their yield with a recording setting number of apps. Plus, I see many schools acceptance rates going way down this year. UM will probably decrease by half.


Anyone have any tips on asking for more financial aid? I only received 6000 a year on top of my scholarship, but it’s still expensive considering my family’s income.

i have the same question

I thought that UM is meeting need this year, so that might be all the FA they can give. They won’t go below your EFC.

They haven’t met my EFC. And also, my family circumstances have changed, so I think I have a shot at getting more aid.

How long does it take to get the physical papers in the mail?

So did you receive your full FA package at the same time as acceptance letter? I would think they would gap you right up to your EFC number. Not completely sure how that works. Please update us as to what happens.

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It sure sounds like most kids were deferred and not wait listed or rejected. If they defer all of these kids and the decision to go ED2 is due back to Miami by Feb 12th, how could they possibly decide in the next few days or week who is accepted or rejected ED2.

Tens of thousands could have been deferred if the responses on this board are an indication of the entire class.


A friends kid was deferred. I told him he could ED2 with a good shot at getting in. They’re full pay but haven’t visited and want to wait on a few RD apps to come back. With people applying to more schools, how many will stop and ED to Miami? Do they have enough info from others?

Schools like Miami likely don’t use the FAFSA EFC but rather what they determine via the CSS profile - so that might be some of the disconnect.

yes, most schools that use the css do not care about the fafsa efc, for example, I had a school that I was admitted to ea that used the css and my cost of attendance was 2.5 times my fafsa efc

Does anyone here know how Florida Prepaid works at Miami? How much does it cover?

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maybe they already have written down somewhere who they would accept if they switched to ED2