University of Miami EA Class of 2025

I’m still confused which is the point I think. It’s so vague that it can mean whatever makes them look most selective

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They had 42,000 applications (did not specify whether EA, ED, RD) and they ultimately have 2,100 spots - so they need to account for yield. I believe their typical acceptance rate is 27% (in prior years so not clear what they estimate this year) so maybe they think they need 10 to 12k to get to the 2,100 across the various application pools? I think the message was purposefully vague but it definitely did not mean they only accepted 2,100 and it’s not clear how it broke down across the various pools…so you have no idea how many are left in ED2 or RD…

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8800 were waitlisted after RD and only 300-400 were taken.

If only 5% were admitted in EA and accounting for ~45% acceptance in ED, there were a crap ton that were deferred. With a 20% yield, definitely focused on yield.

If you don’t ED, better hit the LOCI hard and keep in touch with AO.

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I agree. It was their own letter that said 2,100…what’s behind that number may indeed be the ultimate class size, but how it was framed by Miami to EA applicants specifically was somewhat misleading.

But that said, the CDS says they offer to about 10k applicants per year, so I should not have presumed what the breakdown was between ED/EA/RD. I did not mean to add to any confusion. Sorry!

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I don’t think misleading at all…it’s very clear…

42,000 students applying for 2,100 spaces in the first-year class.

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For some reason I read it/interpreted it as just applying to the EA crew. My mistake.

ED2 is the business aspect. If anyone is even border line, they’re letting the in. Period. Especially if, and I don’t know if they are need blind or need aware. Their website says need aware but it’s under the international section so I can’t tell if it’s intended for all. In need aware, some schools will turn down a 36 if their need is too much. Yes, they meet 100% but need aware gives them the chance who to pick and choose.

So - ED2 will be a huge boost - especially if your need is less. That’s the issue - in the end, is it worth going to Miami and paying $75K a year or going to a school like U of Tampa…definitely lesser but similar…for $30K a year, etc. That’s the call we all need to make. Or whatever your state school is - most are very solid.


btw - ED2 deadline is Jan 1 so it’s interesting they offer deferred ED2. As I said, it’s a business decision - and I understand it. I certainly hope my child (and all of yours) get in. Then it’s a question of - will they get a good scholarship if RD?


Could be a lot of causes. I would assume ED to all schools is down across the board. I know my daughter didn’t visit schools so she EA’d to multiple schools. I would also assume Miami has a set percentage of freshmen they take in all of these buckets and the ED pool may have been slightly or dramatically weaker than previous years so they have room for more ED2 kids. I also think the number of high level kids applying to 25 plus schools increased dramatically for a number of reasons so schools are dealing with yield more than usual.

I wish everyone the best and wish none of us had to try to figure out the method to the madness but it’s the same (and different) every year I suppose.

I see. Thanks for clearing that up!

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ED has been up significantly at most selective schools


Deferred from Frost
32 ACT (one day/superscore)
95 weighted, 93 unweighted (100 pt scale)

Great audition and profs emailed me 20mins after saying they would love to have me at Frost and we emailed back and forth at least a dozen times (plus got a trial lesson).

Tons of service hours, President of a club, VP of Deca, accepted into Govonor’s Honors Program (1% acceptance rate), etc. Got a rec letter from Emory University’s music dept.
I’m fine tho


I think Miami gets the majority of their applications on the first deadline of November 1. When my daughter applied years ago, we were told at a legacy event on November 3rd that they had already received 38k applications. The total for that year ended up around 42k.

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For those who were deferred, is there a deadline to submit Fall grades?

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Does anyone know what Miami lead is?


I got this too and would also like to know what it is lol. do they pretty much send it to everyone

Is anyone else having trouble getting into the financial aid portal? I can’t get past the duo security screen

i can get in but my financial aid isn’t even ready😡

did you have to use a bypass code? or touch id?

no i just use duo mobile, send myself a push, go on the duo mobile and accept it, and then go back to the miami page and it takes me to the financial aid