University of Miami EA Class of 2025

@aloedust , if you are a NMF and designate Miami as first choice with NMC, you’ll receive the Benacquisto scholarship from the State of Florida. The annual award used to be highest COA at public schools, which was usually about $22,000 a year. The current bill changes that, if it is enacted into law, by making the amount subject to the Legislature’s budget. So it could be less than $22,000. You won’t know until later in the summer. My speculation is that it will not be reduced much, if any, this year. Miami really won’t be able to tell you much right now, unless it decides to promise applicants it will make up any Benacquisto reduction.

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@aloedust, I am sorry that you have to deal with the uncertainty. We were able to work things out for my daughter, who deposited at Miami last night (and designated Miami as first choice with NMC) - finally, yay! (We parents like it when you all make decisions ;)). I do not think that Miami is going to come out and say publicly that they will backstop any reduction in Benacquisto, but I talked with several people at the U who expressed their personal confidence that this would happen, and as a family we are ok taking the risk (worst case, my kid transfers to a less expensive school - lots of people transfer during college). I also do not think that the the chance of a student in your class losing the entire scholarship is very high at all, but of course political risk is always scary. Best of luck to you!


Have any admitted students received emails from Umiami since being accepted? I keep getting emails and packages from UFlorida, Oberlin, Maryland, FSU, Binghamton (pretty much every school I applied to) asking me if I’m going to commit to their university. However, I haven’t received a single email from UMiami since being accepted. Has anyone else received any promotional emails/informational emails from UMiami?

yes, there have been emails almost daily with all sorts of zoom meeting options, 1:1 counselor invites etc.

What?!! Thats crazy!! I haven’t received ONE email since I was admitted. I’m honestly shocked. I’m going to call them tomorrow and figure it out I’m so upset about that!

Emails and snail mail - but try calling them and they’re not responsive at all.

I’m so upset I haven’t received ANY mail or emails. At first I thought it was because they have so many applicants that they don’t need to send out emails, but I was wrong. I applied Regular decision and was admitted as a spring admit so maybe that’s why? But I don’t see why that would change if I get any emails because I still have to commit to Miami by May 1st. Not only that but I attended an on campus tour a couple of weeks ago! Have you committed, or are you just getting emails as an accepted applicant?

Also, I know they’re admissions office is really hard to get a hold of! Especially during application season this year, it was imposssible to get a hold of the office.

We have not committed and we are not committing. I’m sure it’s not related.

It may be the Spring thing because they have special programs you wouldn’t qualify for.

Are you attending? You don’t have other, better, cheaper options for Fall? The spring thing seems - not good - based on previous posters.

Hmm maybe it is the spring thing. I feel like it wouldn’t be though just because I also have to commit by may 1st, so if they’re sending promotional mail I’m sure it’s going to spring admits too.
What have people been saying that makes you think the spring program is bad? Thank you so much for informing me/helping me out! I haven’t hear anything bad about spring, so I’m wondering what people are saying.

I have a lot of other choices such as UFlorida, Oberlin, Skidmore, Maryland, Binghamton, FSU, but my heart has been set on Miami. However, if people are saying spring is bad maybe I should reconsider.

But a lot of the promotional pieces are related to fall - such as the Da Vinci program, etc. But there has also been letters from the dean, etc. I wouldn’t say you’re missing much - it’s just marketing.

I don’t want to turn you off the program if you choose to pursue it. You can read in the Miami chain - some feel “unloved” - and I understand it. There was a back and forth about what kids will do in the meantime. If it’s right for you and Miami is right, I wouldn’t let how much mail you received impact that.

All are great schools. Which is most affordable? Are you from Florida?

My daughter’s cheapest option - but ultimately her 3rd place finisher was FSU. Well, she liked UF more but it’s $20K more a year so dad ruled it out.

Just my personal opinion - but I’m not you - If I can start somewhere in the Fall, that’s what I’d do. I think the Spring - now you have 6 months to fill, you go in after everyone knows each other - this is just to help the school fill spots of drop outs, grads, and transfers. Did you get aid? What is the cost differential?

Rule #1 of picking a college - don’t get emotionally attached.

My daughter’s #1 was American. It’s $57K a year after scholarship. We ruled it out - and she was fine- she gets it!!

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spring admit here, just received my acceptance letter in the mail - isn’t that a bit absurd!?!

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Haha I just got the acceptance package as well! It’s pretty late for them to be sending it. Are you thinking of attending?

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Thank you so much for your help! I’m not from Florida, I’m from NY but I applied to a lot of Florida schools.
I just received a promotional package from Miami so at least I know I’m receiving their mail. I’m gonna call tomorrow and see what the deal is about emails.
I’m still conflicted about where to attend! I toured the University of Maryland today and it was a beautiful campus, as is Oberlin and the University of Florida. I got a good scholarship to Binghamton and Oberlin so I was considering those schools as well. I did NOT get aid to Miami unfortunately, but I really like the school. My guess is that I’ll end up at UMiami and take CC classes in the fall.
Congrats to your daughter on all her acceptances!

My daughter sent in her decline today. College of Charleston

As a parent who tried to talk to Miami admissions and financial aid, I found them difficult to reach, unwilling to answer questions (passing you around to other) and generally unhelpful.

We eliminated Miami due to cost. But I have my doubts about how good it would really be.

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nope, the bad communication left a bad impression on me and it is absurdly expensive - I truly do appreciate the opportunity tho

It’s so true they really are unresponsive :frowning: If you don’t mind me asking, where are you thinking of attending? Congrats on your acceptances!!

Aw Congrats to her! College of Charleston is an AMAZING school, I’ve never heard anything bad about it. It’s a pretty popular college from my high school and everyone who goes there seems to love it!
I’ll be debating where to attend up until the deadline unfortunately. I’m still conflicted!

Congrats again to your daughter!

Thanks - honestly, from a “rank” POV it’s lesser. But she’s a “Fellow” and an “Intl Scholar” - so she’s in small cohorts. She’s had multiple professors already reach out.

Her #2 was U of SC (and we live in TN) - she just really like both.

The difference - U of SC is the #1 Honors College of course - but like everyone - they send emails and letters of how great they are and have you join webinars. The dean and professors from Charleston called her multiple times - so that made an impact.

The bigger issue though - Washington & Lee was $81K a year, Miami $50K+, American (her original top choice) $57K - and both times she was in Charleston with mom and dad, she was giddy the entire time…and it’s about $30K - so a win win :slight_smile: Good luck to all…just two days to go.

Pick your school and don’t look back. It’s likely the right one!!!

Lol I declined my offer last Thursday and I got the acceptance package today yet it was dated last Friday. I guess Miami didn’t see that I wasn’t coming. As for communication, Miami seems bad, but Syracuse might be worse. It took four days for my payment to process and nobody can get a response within three days from Admissions or Financial Aid. That said I feel Cuse was great at reaching out to the students and let them learn a lot about the school, while Miami did not do that. Though I did not think I’d be going to Miami, I feel that they did not reach out to me as much as other schools such as American, Binghamton, and Syracuse, which is possibly why I preferred those to Miami. Either way, Miami seems to be doing just fine and they might want a lower yield this year.

It is crazy though - you’d think that of all things - admissions and financial aid would be staffed up and hugely responsive - they are the sales arm.

I love the Cuse (my alma mater) even though my daughter did not apply.

It goes to show you, the bureacracy runs rampant - even to the big schools.

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