University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Hey I don’t know if this is the right place to ask this and if it isn’t feel free to ignore me, but how does on campus housing work? Is there an option to room by yourself? Is randomized housing recommended? I am most likely going to do randomized placement but I just wanted to know. Also, is information related to acceptance rate for EA available? Does anyone know? Last but probably most important question, how do you land a job in the lab as soon as you step on campus :joy:? Is it hard to get a job in the lab and would we have to volunteer first? Ok I lied, one more question. Is LSA Honors worth it? Should I apply just to see if I will get in? Is it easier to get a lab job if you are in the honors? Can we work only on the weekends in the lab? Sorry I know I asked a lot of questions, feel free to ignore what you don’t know (or don’t feel like answering lol)!

What are the chances of getting into an Ivy league with pretty good/decent(for Ivy league) stats but one realllllyyyy good personal essay that hits home?

So as it turns out, since UM RD applications were only due on 2/1, they are doing HAIL interviews different than for EA. All deferred engineering applicants, and I assume all RD applicants (eng) received an email asking if they want an “interview”. Deadline to request is by this Sunday, Feb 14, and interviews can be scheduled all the way into March. That said, can’t imagine there will be a wave of acceptance for these candidates in February if they are not being interviewed until after that and into March. This is the old way they used to do the interviews as this is how it was 2 years ago with my daughters, and then for EA they changed it and stated not everyone will be offered one and they contacted you for them. So, it’ll be interesting to see how Engineering shakes out and if there are any accepted in the first batch.

I know @Knowsstuff has mentioned that applicants can be admitted to CoE w/o the HAIL interview…in the past. It is interesting that the deadline to request an interview is 2/14 though. I wish I could be of more help.

Maybe just requesting an interview indicates “interest” and that’s enough for an acceptance. :smiley:

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As we all keep saying, anything goes this year! I told a bunch of juniors yesterday ay my school that while they’re going to be in a similar boat next year considering so many schools will again be test optional, they at least know that now, whereas we didn’t, and we were being told by every college counselor that applications were going to be way down everywhere, yada yada. So basically our seniors were the guinea pigs, so schools can now plan ahead for next year and learn from their mistakes, and juniors can plan accordingly as well. All the things we would do differently had we known the sh*t show this year would be!

For current students, but you can try looking here for research jobs:

Regarding roommates, not sure about singles, but they do offer them:

My D found a roommate on the FB forum after being accepted and then they requested each other on the housing app. Or you can do random.

Honors - One opinion here. Not worth it. The benefits are you get your own advisor and lounge as well as a dorm room in the South or East Quads. Super nice dorms. But my D has her own advisor (non-Honors) anyway and was placed on Central Campus as a freshman, like @Knowsstuff son when he was a freshman. So you’ll have a decent chance of getting Central Campus accommodations anyway, if that’s what you want. There are few, if any, registration issues, unless you’re really inflexible, but with Honors you’ll get priority registration.

The classes at UMich are hard and you’ll be taking on extra work beyond that.

No info on EA acceptance rate.

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@srparent15 - I am curious to see the final numbers. Every school my daughter has applied to has seen an increase (of course!), but i know many have seen a drop. I think the dispersion will be dramatic (ie haves and have nots). Not a good thing long-term for many institutions…

True, the elite and flagship state schools will see huge increases, but the rest I’m guessing as well will have seen an increase. I also wonder how many schools are using the TO as an excuse to just increase their revenue from app fees even though many are also waiving app fees.

Oops - I didn’t mean to hijack the UM thread, thought this was a different one when I first posted.

Yes, it will be interesting to see where both the TO and no application fee strategies go…

I’ve said it before on other threads, but schools like Tulane catch a lot of crap for “gaming” or “manipulating” their acceptance rate by offering no application fee, often drawing in many “high stat” applicants who have no intention of going, and then deferring them. But really it is a deliberate (and successful I might add) strategy to try and diversify their pool of applicants and fulfill their institutional goals. They’ve done the financial analysis and have concluded that to forgo the $1.5 - 2mn in revenue from application fees is less important than receiving the extra 10-15k applicants from which to build their classes (and future alum/donor)

Hi everyone. I am an out of state student and got in EA; however, out of state tuition is very expensive. How generous is UMich? I have applied for financial aid but have not yet received my financial aid estimate. Are there other means besides financial aid that can help make UMich more affordable for me? Also, is the honors program worth applying to?

Thank you very much.

Michigan isn’t considered “generous” with OOS financial aid, but you’ll have to wait and see.

I gave my comments on UMich honors a few posts above. YMMV.

Sorry, but that makes no sense. They’re trying to improve their US News ranking through a lower acceptance rate. That might help them raise more money from their existing allumni. They’re using ED1 and ED2 to further manage yield. Transparent and not prestige-building.

My son did random like each year. It worked for him. Check out the Co - op housing also. Some you can get singles.

Honors… Not for us. Some like it some drop it some don’t. Talk to them to see if it’s something you want to do. Just to say… Michigan is a very difficult school. It doesn’t get said enough.

Ivy talk take to the Ivy threads.

So Michigan does give OOS financial aid. Many get between $20,000-35,000 and more or less depending on our situation. It’s a myth that they don’t give any…

A friend of mines daughter is applying now like the deadline is tonight with 250 word essay for some oos scholarships… Shipman and Bell.

There are others on their site.


OK so research lab apply Urop but not easy to get but just email a professor or graduate student. It’s really that simple. Start reading their research and see what excites you. It might take a few tries but go for it. Know their research and why you want to be part of it. They are a mostly very nice people.

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@dontknowmuch4 - sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear. I think you and I agree on one thing, that the acceptance rate is artificially low due to increased applications and higher deferral/denial of applicants (ie increased denominator, same numerator). Everyone should be smart enough to see and understand that “prestige” is not necessarily based on selectivity / acceptance rate.

Furthermore, there isn’t a single school in the country offering an ED option that isn’t trying to manage yield. That is the entire point of ED. And why WOULDN’T you want to manage it. I don’t think Tulane is alone in this camp. In fact, I’d argue that the MOST prestigious schools guard it MORE fiercely (check out CDS stats - Bates, Colby, Colgate, Haverford, etc - all WELL over 50% of their class admitted ED).

Lastly, I think every school is trying to improve their USNWR rankings, but I think you’re misguided to think that it’s in any way based acceptance rate. USNWR weights only 7% of their ranking on “selectivity”, which they define as ACT composite scores and % of students in top 10% of high school class.

I’ll sign off here as I realize I’m hijacking the Michigan strand and don’t want to overstay my welcome. Happy to debate offline.

Thanks. It just seems like everyone is deferred. Haven’t heard of any rejections at all.

Didn’t mean to suggest T was alone in doing this (witness Mich’s postponements). Just the most flagrant. And, with the US News ranking most out of line with the rankings of its academic departments. They blatantly changed from accepting and offering everyone huge money a couple of years ago, I was told. But, who cares?

We had some rejections recorded on our local HS Naviance and then there’s this unscientific poll taken here on CC, where 7 (seven) applicants recorded rejections.

is it known for certain that all deferred and RD engineering applicants were sent an email regarding an interview. My son was deferred engineering and did not receive an email to request an interview…So wondering if it is random or perhaps should reach out to admissions?