University of New Hampshire Early Action for Fall 2023

Based on the parent Facebook page it sounds like another wave of acceptances posted today. Good luck!

If anyone is interested in joining that page it is unh parents | Facebook


How are students finding out if notified again? Email? Portal

I guess just logging into the portal. I was hoping for more fanfare this year with the announcements.


Nothing yet here. UNH is the last school we are waiting on.




Here too. Itā€™s been hard to wait after hearing from all the rest. This process has felt a little less clear. Good luck to all


Still nothing. S23 applied 11/1 for College of Life Science & Agriculture. We are in state, nearby and many in his class have acceptances (other majors).

Iā€™ve suggested he call, but he shows me screenshots of his portal that says everything is there so he does not want to call.

Iā€™m worried that changes to their software or processes have caused his application to fall into a big hole, but heā€™s over 18 so not sure they would talk to me anyway.


Same here. One of my daughterā€™s friends got their acceptance (similar Major) and not sure why we havenā€™t yet. Fingers crossed for this week. Selfishly I just want this last one in so we can get going with the acceptance process.


My daughter also applied EA in Life Sciences and we havenā€™t heard anything yet.


I just really wish all EA decisions are released early this week. Even though the portal displays all items as ā€œreceivedā€, there is a lot of anxiety of never being 100% sure. The Feb 1st deadline for Regular Applications just adds to the stress of not knowing the EA status.


My son applied 9/8 and still hasnā€™t heard. Its definitely getting frustrating.


My daughter applied to the College of Life Sciences & Agriculture too (Animal Sciences). Does anyone know of anyone accepted for EA from that college yet?

Daughter in same boat. Still waiting.

Applied EA to UNH in November to College of Life Science & Agriculture with Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater Biology Major.

Thinking delay or wait in admission decision must be tied to that specific sub college based on the feedback here.

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Looks like it. Hope we all here something this week!

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D23 is also waiting for College of Life Science and Ag. Biology major.

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D23 applied EA OOS with SAT score to the College of Life Sciences and Ag - Marine Biology major on 10/23. Received her admission decision on 12/20 with Trustee Scholarship, no mention of Honors College. Wondering if first round of EA was from the pool of applicants with SATs? Yesterday we received portal email with financial aid posted.


Could be. OOS Daughter applied test optional to same major on 11/15. Unless itā€™s just a first in first out and still working up in batches based on date applied.

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I suspect this has something to do with the fact that Coll of Life Sci and Ag happens to include Nursing. Nursing is arguably the single most competitive major at UNH.
I mean off the chartsā€¦ skews everything.
Outside of Nursing (and perhaps engineering) UNH has a very high admission rate. (We went through this last yearā€¦ these are facts.)
Having said that, my D22ā€™s EA decision WAS out before Christmas. Most were. They must be pretty jammed up!
Good luck to all :slight_smile:


My daughter applied EA for Nursing through College of Health and Human Services. (CHHS). She hasnā€™t heard back yet.

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My son from OOS applied to the Business program. Still waiting here too.