University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

We’re in NY & still nothing. But she goes to school in CT so maybe that’s it??

Sounds like NY,NJ,CA,WI, and MN all got decisions last Tuesday. The rest still waiting…

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I am wondering if they will release next batch coming Tuesday. Who are the admission officers ? Are they regular professors ? In that case they may be busy with finals.

My question is if they did not manage to review all applicants, how would they know if they are approving too many from those states ? Shouldn’t they look at the whole applicant pool before they take decision ?

We are in Wisconsin, and my daughter hasn’t gotten a decision. Neither has a friend of hers (both applied to the college of engineering). So, I don’t think that even all of Wisconsin students have gotten a decision. My daughter and her friend applied with the UW application (instead of the common app). Maybe that has something to do with who got a decision in Wisconsin versus not? And maybe not everyone in NY, NJ, CA, and MN got their decisions too?

I’m very interested in making an appointment with someone from the admissions office. do you know what they talked about? If i were to ask for an appointment I’m not too sure what to tell them my reasoning for the appointment is.

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I wish I could shed more light on what they talked about. My brother-in-law is an alum of the engineering school, and his son was applying to engineering, so that may have had some weight. I would look into the letter of interest and updating semester grades at this point as your best option (given COVID right now). You don’t want to pester admissions folks when they are in the throws of reading applications. Write a compelling letter, and if you can truthfully make a statement like: “If admitted, I will enroll at Wisconsin,” make that clear.

On another note, this nephew and his brother both attended UW-Platteville for engineering, and one of my coworker’s daughters did as well (she started at UW, but did not get accepted to mech. engineering after taking prerequisites), and they felt the school was a great choice. All have excellent jobs making great salaries. I guess what I’m trying to say is, there are always going to be strong alternatives if things don’t work out with UW Madison. But definitely do what you can to improve your chances. :slight_smile:

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I believe it is where they attend high school not where they live. We live in MD and my son goes to school in DC and he always has the DC rep, which for most schools out of the region also includes MD and VA but for more local ones it doesn’t.

Not 100 % true. But it theory yes. If you can’t financially afford it then you don’t have to accept the ED. But there is a reason you, the parents, the school sign the forms. It can hurt your school in the future. No family has been taken to court to fulfill ED acceptance. Morally, yes accept it and move on.

Good to know thx!
Btw I think we’re on 2 other boards together. Must have similar college list! The waiting sucks!!

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Is the UW admissions office closed until next year? Is there no chance they will send out more acceptances this week? Thanks.

My guess is that other than weekends, the admissions office will only be closed Dec 24, Dec 25, Dec 31 and Jan 1 (I live in Madison, and I know that those are the holidays for UW staff). However, I have no idea whether they will send out more acceptances before the end of December. I hope they do! It would really help students like my daughter whose first choice is UW Madison. The waiting is hard and frustrating, especially since I know for the past few years, at least all in-state ea students (and all ea students in most years) have heard before Christmas.

They wrote me today that they are done for the year. Nothing more will come until January.


Bummer, but helpful to know that, thanks. Was that in response to a question you had asked about timing of decisions?


To your email or your child’s? We got nothing.

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They are doing it very different this year. My in state daughter got in on the third Friday of December in 2016 along with everyone else. The Tuesday night release almost seems like a glitch. Not that the kids didn’t get in but there was no email and my daughters friend just happened to check her portal randomly and saw she was admitted and then later a letter was in the portal. I wish the the admission office would at least give some kind “what to expect” since it is so different this year and some kids know. The waiting until the end of January is hard.


Congrats to your daughter. What type of merit award did your older daughter receive?

:roll_eyes: oops - this was supposed to go in a different thread - sorry!

Decisions tonight?

Someone upthread said admissions office told them no more decisions until January?