University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2015 Transfer thread

@jonjacobjinkle yes, I think it’s a good idea.

Denied by the college of engineering. I’m curious what kind of students got accepted. I have a 4.0, great recommendations by professors who went to Madison, 2190 Sat with a perfect math score, and plenty of ECs. Yet, I was denied. I was given the option to apply to other colleges at Madison in my letter, did anyone else see this? Also, was anyone here postponed/accepted to the college of engineering?

@hanzee94 What specific engineering major did you apply to? Also are you instate or out of state? I applied to computer engineering and I still have yet to receive a decision from Madison and I finished my application back in January.

@hanzee94 I’m sorry to hear that. It’s certain that you’re qualified

Accepted! :smiley:
ChemE major
3.87GPA, ~60 credits at a florida community college [calc 3, physics 2, chem 2]. Hispanic 19 year old male. Plenty of tutoring and one 8 week research project. Not looking forward to the cold, but really excited to be going.

@jonjacobjinkle I plan to get about a 3.85 GPA this semester. I already submitted three letters of recommendation. I called the admissions office and the guy on the line said that as long as you keep your grades up you are likely going to hear good news.

Accepted as Computer Science major.
They told me that there were no spaces left in Computer Engineering… :frowning:
I wonder if it is possible to transfer to college of engineering after I am enrolled…? I mean probably not, because there cant be an opening magically once school starts? right?

Well I guess I am satisfied with CS though.

^^ What you could do, I believe, is take more general classes this upcoming semester or those that apply to both CS and CE. Then you could again apply to the school of engineering after the next semester ends. Someone correct me if I am wrong though because I’m not an engineering major (I’m CS).

@ksyar2001 Well that sucks, I applied to Computer Engineering back in January and I still haven’t gotten anything on my decision from Madison yet. If it’s full I don’t understand why they haven’t given me a decision already…

I’m getting more and more anxious and afraid right now. 3 weeks to go for final exams

@xGingersUNITEx Thanks for the information!

@xGingersUNITEx yes, I think that’s encouraging

How many people who were accepted submitted their ACT scores?

I know it’s useless to keep checking My UW but I keep doing so! Hopefully, the rest of us will hear Friday.

I submitted my ACT score and was accepted. I had a 28. @erose8

Hi guys, I submitted my transfer application from a SoCal CC in mid Feb and still have not heard anything back yet :frowning: I got into UCLA today but Madison is actually my 1st choice. Anyone have decision yet?

I still haven’t heard back!

I still havent heart back. Anybody else who hasn’t heard back?

3.8 GPA at UW-Waukesha
3.0 GPA at University of Illinois
34 ACT
90 total credits
Applying to Physics in Letters and Science

Still nothing. Getting so sick of the wait!!

So… 9 days left everyone. I am worried that I will never hear back?