***University of Wisconsin-Madison Spring 2018 Transfer Thread***

@GeddyLee21 is your evaluation thing still there?

@badgers2325 Yeah, I just checked. Is yours?

@GeddyLee21 ya mine is but I know someone who is applying and theirs is gone… keep me updated on yours

@badgers2325 I read the thread from last year. I feel that they are actually doing rolling admissions. if your transfer credits is still there, it only means that they probably will evaluate your applications after sending out the first wave

@Jeremiahtoo hopefully that’s the case I’m getting super stressed haha

My thing still says “no evaluations to display” in protected grey, I’m getting really worried now but I also did apply pretty late and hope they just haven’t got to my application yet.

@extrapulate @badgers2325 There’s nothing to worry about. We still have over a month and a half until they are to have decisions out. There is plenty of time. They can’t make a decision about everyone at the same time. Also keep in mind that even if you don’t get accepted, you can try and appeal.

Hope we can hear back next Friday

Yeah, definitely don’t get worried if yours hasn’t shifted. In the past, relatively few people hear back in the first wave and it isn’t really for any rhyme or reason. I will say I have an interesting scenario and a great undergrad gpa, so that might’ve been a trigger for an earlier wave, but there’s still plenty of decisons left to be made :slight_smile:

Accepted today but decided to Go Blue :"> good luck to everyone!

nothing here!!!

@Mockingjay98 did your transfer evaluation go away at one point?

@Mockingjay98 weird you heard back but no one else on this sub has yet but congratz!

Yo sub, UW doesn’t evaluate transfer credits from international coursework until after enrollment is confirmed, so that’s why some decisions can come out a bit early. As we’ve seen in the past, transfer credit evaluations take a couple of weeks to process, so that’s why only a few have heard back yet (and so far I believe just international students but i could be wrong)

I was just accepted as a freshman for spring 2018. Hope to see you all on campus this spring!!

Yes I’m an international student. Received an email with a link to view the decision but haven’t got my transfer credit evaluation

Yes, it all makes sense :slight_smile: Congratulations on getting your acceptances @Mockingjay98 and @ldub9715 ! Given that UW doesn’t evaluate international transfer credit until after enrollment is accepted (it’s info on the website) and likewise if you’re accepeted as a freshman, it would make sense that your evaluations haven’t changed. Additionally, it would make sense that there are others in their “wave” of decisions that haven’t received the decision yet due to the transfer credit evaluation still needing to be completed. I’d expect another wave with this in the next week or two.

When should I expect a decision if I submitted my material by the material deadline?

@Murphdog94 the only people who have heard back so far are international students and transfer students with too few credits to come in at non-freshmen standing. Neither of these groups need their transcripts evaluated before admission. Therefore, if you have over 24 domestic credit hours, you’re waiting like the rest of us :slight_smile: It does seem likely, however, that the first acceptances were in a wave with other acceptances that needed an evaluated transcript, so those applicants in that wave should be hearing back soon.

Does anyone have transfer credit report available now? I do not have it which means that I probably will not hear back tonight