***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

My portal is completely down

What do you mean done @cdnotready

I don’t think there is any way that having a different/glitched portal will indicate if you are accepted or not… so don’t worry people that don’t have an inaccessible portal.

Sorry typo, meant down @jkgreen27

Yeah, I bet we are overthinking this tbh. They wouldn’t wanna give any hints away rn.

My portal is the same as always and I’m still marked as applicant-freshman. I don’t think we should all get ruffled up over this lol. What happens, happens. Let’s all just relax~ :slight_smile:

hey i have a question.
i didnt apply for the scholarship deadline, i applied for the regular deadline on January 15.
so does this mean i won’t get any good financial aid? my efc is 0

@giriboy that is merit scholarship vs. financial aid. You will still get good financial aid depending on your income. Merit scholarships are different.

@179410tran thank you that was a concern for me haha

Also Is there any current USC student that has a efc of 0 here? I used the net price calculator and I want to know how accurate it is

Yeah, mine is still “applicant-freshman” in the URL, so I’m not really sure at this point, ahaha.

My daughter’s portal is unchanged. Of course we had to go look too due to all of these posts.

The only thing that looks different about it is that it now features an exploding fireworks display & there are flying unicorns and fairies spreading pixie dust all over the place & of course the USC Fight Song is playing in the background. You mean that no one else sees that? Just kidding of course :slight_smile: Maybe I am just overtired…I have been seeing a lot of strange things online recently… including “Stranger Things” on NetFlix, which I re-watched and highly recommend.

I strongly doubt though that after many years of doing portal updates online that USC is going to slip up and make it obvious to anyone their status prior to midnight pacific time on Sunday, the 26th. But keep checking… who knows…

Try not to read too much into minor portal changes. Last week some folks on the BU acceptance thread were noticing that some housing portals had changed, and at least one even said “accepted” student. Unfortunately this turned out to be false when this applicant was denied.

You’ll find out soon, in the meantime try to find a productive distraction.

@wwward I love Stranger Things - it was one show the “grown up” kids would watch with us all together - sooooo good. Went through it twice! Best casting ever.

The fairies and fight song - priceless comment!

When I saw 23 new messages to this thread, my first thought was, uh oh, someone saw something different in their portal and mayhem has ensued…btw come Wed/Thurs it will go totally whack at times, but I assume USC is holding to the course they have planned and laid out.

i think this change means something…since most people said their portals remain unchanged i am guessing that people whose portals changed from “applicant freshman” to “preapplicant” got accepted…mine still shows applicant freshman :frowning:

Mine didn’t change either, I’m so scared

@lisabelle306 thanks this comment makes me feel better. btw I don’t see the “Respond to a communication from usc” either, where do they see it?

This feels just like the UW portal change situation, and the portal change was accurate there :confused:

@lisabelle306 where do you see this change?

Hey quick question, so when it is time to check our portal, we login into our you.usc portal and we click on “check your application status” right? is that where we see our decision? Because the messages that come from there are labeled “message history” and they are pdf’s that I already received as emails. So my question is, will our admissions decision come as an email as I’ve been getting previously from USC (one about not getting merit scholarship, the other as asking for mid-year grades). Would the decision be like standard checking the portal or ?That would kind of suck seeing an email of my rejection from the school without logging into the portal first lol

@atl989 If you are admitted, the portal will say “admitted students programs” and under that, there will be line that says “Admission decision” and a bunch of other housekeeping things under that