***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

hey! this may be an unusual question, but is there such a thing as sending too many LoRs? I have 5 in right now… two that I know are from notable alumni. does this make me look too pushy? also, it says that usc received 4 resumes from me, but the only time I’ve submitted a resume was in person (at an interview and a separate meeting w reps from intended major). could they have possibly scanned this in/ attached it to my file? lmk!

@mmdins For the letters thing, I think it depends on your major. An alumnus from my high school currently goes to SCA and works in the admissions office there so I’ve been talking to her. I sent 5 letters in total, but she said it was okay because some of them went to SCA and some of them to USC’s general admissions office. She helped me pick which ones to send where. (I’m hoping she picked right lol, I trust her judgement) If you are sending all 5 of them just to the admissions office, that might be too much.

@mmdins 5 might be a little much, but there’s nothing to do about it now! It definitely won’t hurt you, but don’t send any more.

How can you tell what they have on file for you?

@filmstudent2 I’m applying to Price (Urban Planning), and the two alumni letters are advocating on my behalf for that specific school (as both these people have careers in that field). I just found out that one of the people writing my LoR sent his letter twice (once with my ID) so that might explain some things as well. I was only aware of having those two LoRs, so I was surprised when it said I had 5 LoRs in!!!

@ZBlue17 Log in, go to submit application documents, click on received documents!

I received the USC portal information on Dec. 5th, but I cannot find where my application status is on this portal.
Anyone else have this problem

@milky99 same

I had this problem (submitted on the 1st) but today it fixed itself. Don’t worry it will eventually fix its self.

did anyone NOT get a confirmation email yet? I applied 11:30pm 12/1 (my time zone) and haven’t heard a thing from usc… should I be worried? although on commonapp, it says the app was downloaded on 12/3.

@financemajor37 If you are not selected to come in and interview for scholarships, they forward your application to be read with regular admissions. They will not reject you in January.

@parka11 Check your spam box, a lot of people’s email went there. Though, it might have been auto deleted by now if it went there. Did you try registering for your portal yourself? https://you.usc.edu/register/

@milky99 @tku980 When you login you should see a list that starts like this:

Applying to USC
Check your application status
Submit application documents
Submit your mid-year grades
Withdraw your admission application
Find your admission counselor
Common Application

If you have that list, you’d click on “check your application status” to see messages from USC (the second paragraph will tell you it appears they have everything they need or that they don’t) and “submit application documents” to see what they still need from you and what they have received.

I logged in to YouSC and clicked Undergraduate Admission, but the link seems to be broken. I also can’t find the tab to view the files they have on hand.

I figured it out. Never mind!

I strongly recommend that USC Applicants read this article that was just released today… “An Insider’s Look at USC College Admissions”


@HopingForUSC thanks! didn’t know i could register by myself. Now I have an account

Email on Financial Aid Today !

If we do not get offered a scholarship, does USC email us and tell us that we did not receive one?

Within a couple days of scholarships all being out, the rest that did not receive a scholarship start receiving a letter that says you are still in consideration for acceptance and will hear back in March. They also mention other scholarships still being available, those are the deans which are 1/4 tuition. Some years a lot go out in March, other years you don’t hear much buzz about them. Maybe because a 1/4, while it helps, doesn’t make a huge dent.

Hey guys, has anyone ever gotten into USC with a negative grade trend in high school with harder courses? And I don’t mean negative grade trends like A’s -> A-'s. I mean getting A-'s and B+'s/B-'s.