***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

THIS IS NOT HAPPENING YET - just what to expect.

Sorry for the tease there, if they hold true to past course, people that receive scholarships portals update to look like this:

Admission Decision
Enrollment Commitment Deposit
Withdraw Your Application
Submit Documents
Financial Aid

Apply for Financial Aid
Financial Aid Summary & Tasks (FAST) page
On-Campus Admitted Student Programs

Explore USC
Preview USC
Admitted Student Day
Campus tours
Off-Campus Admitted Student Programs

Apply for Housing

THIS IS NOT HAPPENING YET - just what to expect.

This is the letter from previous year for people that did NOT receive a scholarship. If you do not get a scholarship, a letter like this appears for you to open (and is also mailed):

Dear ________

I am writing to first-year candidates who submitted their applications by December 1, in time for consideration for USC merit scholarships. I want to update you on the status of our admission review, and our scholarship selection process.

Scholarship Selection
Over 30,000 students applied in time to be considered for merit scholarships. We have offered admission to approximately 1,200 students who will proceed to the next phase of consideration for our top awards: the Mork Family, Stamps Leadership, Trustee, and Presidential scholarships. I am sorry to say you were not selected for further consideration for these awards.
This notification only applies to the scholarships I mentioned. You will still be considered for other awards, including but not limited to those listed on our Scholarships page. I encourage you to apply for financial aid if you have not already done so. Visit the Financial Aid website for application instructions. Also, if you are admitted, named a National Merit Finalist and select USC as your first-choice institution, you will receive a USC Presidential Scholarship worth one-half tuition.

Admission Selection and Notification
Your application is still being considered for admission. We are planning to offer admission to approximately 7,800 additional first-year students. We will mail these notifications so you have the decision by April 1. I am grateful for your patience as you wait for us to finish this difficult work.

Mid-Year Reports
If you or your school counselor has not already done so, please submit your mid-year report: your final grades from the first term of your senior year. You can report them online at you.usc.edu, or your school can send them to us.

I know it is fun to speculate, but any changes prior to these don’t count for anything. Wait until people can’t log into their portal - let the fun begin! (Still a week+ away - hang in there!)

@AngelaD Yes. Three years ago, my older daughter did not, so they emailed her and asked her to do so…

hey guys, I am from India and I also applied to USC by Dec 1 Deadline. When do students who have been selected for the interview-process get the notification on youSC?

@slightlymad assuming you mean for scholarships, last year it was around the 23-25th of January but the year before it was around the 25-27th so maybe 21-23 this year?

Got a text that I got mail from USC, but not there to open it. Anyone know what this is?

its probably a message telling you that something is missing from your application.

@nursewratchet It could be almost anything. My daughter has received two mailings about financial aid &/or affording USC and packets from SDA and SCA… plus a couple more just general mailings.

When I log into youSC and I click on the check my application status it won’t go through. Maybe this means decisions are coming soon!!

Did you get a text ? Or an email ? @nursewratchet

@clh7699 - same thing happens to me. Not sure why.

@clh7699 @allybob Well it’s working for me haha

Mine doesn’t go through either!

mine is also glitching and I get an error that it won’t go through.

Lol am I’m the only one for whom its working? It’s the “Check Your Application Status” under the “Applying to USC” tab, right?

Can log-in but couldn’t check/click the “Check Your Application Status”.

it’s working for me too. hopefully that’s not a bad sign

@HalfPastThree It didn’t work for me the first time I tried, but like three minutes later I clicked it again and the page loaded with the same information as always.

If it’s not loading for you, do you have high stats/any major hooks that’d make you scholarship worthy? I doubt this means something, just want to make sure we didn’t just discover something haha

It’s not loading for me but I have average stats/an unimpressive Viterbi application. :frowning: I think this is just a bug that’s affecting applicants at random, but I’m down to hear from the others too as well! @tito17