***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

If you don’t receive a letter requesting an interview, are you still able to qualify for the National Merit half tuition scholarship if you’re admitted? Is the half tuition guaranteed if you’re admitted?

@Alia01 As far as I know, as long as you are admitted, choose to attend, and listed USC as your first choice on your National Merit app, you receive half tuition. (and if you become a national merit finalist, but most do)

It’s not loading for me. I have pretty high stats but I’m sure many others do too. hm it could be just random?

@actuallysad I’m p sure it’s random! I looked at one of the applicants’ stats whose page is loading and they have high stats haha

@wannabetrojann seems like it, I was doing the same thing with everyone who commented LOL

it looks depends on Browser… I could see it with IE but Firefox…

Ha, called it (post 362). The fun has already begun. :wink:

Good luck to all and Fight On!

I can confirm with post 385, page wouldn’t load on my phone’s browser but worked fine on Chrome on my computer

the application status page on youSC is not working/loading for me too as of 14th 7:30 pm IST @clh7699

My portal isn’t working either. Is this good or bad?

Does that mean those receiving merit aid could be notified this week?

I haven’t had any problems logging in over the past few days, and I’ve even tried when others say they are having issues. I use Firefox 47 - I know, I know, I’m a couple updates behind the latest version . :-@

I just checked- it’s working on my laptop but not my phone still.

Did this happen to anyone last year?

I recall this happening three years ago as well. It was not an indicator then, so it is likely not so currently either. Even this year, my daughter’s page has cycled through periods where it was down and not accessible… dating back all the way into Sept. It is more than likely just technical glitches on their end. But good luck managing the wait time…

I can still login to my portal.

Portal changes won’t mean anything until after packages are mailed. Those are the only portal changes that matter. Anything between now and then is a blip just like @WWWard mentioned. But if it t helps u pass the time…

It’s just a browser issue. I get a blank page on my laptop using Safari and it opens fine on my other computer using Chrome.

Someone in one of my classes yesterday said their portal changed to say USC needs her mid year grades in order for her application to be complete. I just checked mine, but it doesn’t say that - does anyone else’s say this? Wondering if she was talking about the right school.

@CARacing My portal just says “submit your mid year grades” under “applying to USC” like it always has. No change in portal, so probably another school? And some schools haven’t even finished their first semester yet.

I’m getting super excited. Are we thinking this Friday over the 27th?