***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Someone in the chat said they worked closely with admission and said last Friday that they will be mailed on Monday. @s0meUSCkid95

Whether they were sent or not doesn’t matter until you get it, but it is still only 12:11, most of the California kids are still in school. Mom’s could check for them, but…

Yeah guys, please remember: this is the first time in a long time that USC didn’t mail out acceptances on a Friday. The Socal kids who got their acceptances before noon last year got their mail on a SATURDAY. They were at home.

If Socal kids do get acceptances today, they most likely won’t post until after they get home.

Mom checked mail in San Diego. Mail came, nothing from USC.

Do most national merit finalists get accepted more often than not? And does need stack with merit?

@Swiper902 I honestly hope you’re right. I told my family that too, and I hope it’s true. I was really just wondering if you had any new information, or were working off previous information the forum (just as I am).

I’m coming home in a few hours. I live in LA. Update coming soon.

Ya, I am skeptical still, someusckid95 is the only one that said they were mailed. The long time posters on here are still saying “if they were mailed” so I don’t think they feel confident either. I think someone would have posted by now for today. Even if a friend of a friend kind of thing got one.


People may not be updating because they’re in school or at work

I think we need to wait until 2:00 at least to say they aren’t coming today. We are all kids who are in school. If you’re not on here, you probably aren’t expecting it.
‘Did you get your mail and not get anything’ isn’t really a good indication either since scholarship earners are such a small population.

my friend got it

@juliejes where do u live

@juliejes Any more details? Live where? Got what specifically…?

Where is your friend from? Also, what major?

Well, that changes things…and well timed, too. I for one, was very close to giving up on them being sent yesterday…and my guess is I’m not the only one. :wink:

LA county

@juliejes Do you know what major??

Well… congrats to your friend then, @juliejes The first happy applicant of this application cycle… (aside from the handful of QuestBridge admits back on Dec 1st)

Great, here we go!