***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@worriedgal It may appear that way, but I wouldn’t write it off until tomorrow, if you can stand the wait. Or you could assume for now that you aren’t getting one and be super surprised if it does come! Good luck!

Will portals be updated the 26th?

indeed… let the false hope wash over the eastern time zone too… lol

Jan 25th sounds like an excellent day for affirmation… or the postponement of unrealized dreams (until March)

I meant false hope about receiving it tomorrow in Florida, not getting it in general! Ha, hope you got that the first time! :smiley:

IF they do what has been done before, portals will likely update after midnight on Thursday or even Friday, depending on what they decided at their retreat. :wink:

I did. But it can apply both ways…

@CADREAMIN thanks… Hoping for the latter!

What about international students?

Can you still get a Dean’s Scholarship if you were only National Merit Commended? The common trend I’ve been seeing on this thread is NMSF and only students getting an acceptance packet (and no scholarship offer, hence the Dean’s scholarship).

*NMSF, and only NMSF, students

Here is the link to the priority postal map: https://www.usps.com/priority-mail/map/

Most large cities are tomorrow.

Edit: USC’s zip code is 90089


ill do it after my finals end haha;;

@collegekid171 Yes the portal will be updated the 26th (according to a phone call to admissions).

@dewrrrett The Deans and NMF are two unrelated events. You can just get a Deans without any NM standing at all. It is just if you get the Deans and end up being an NMF, you will get bumped up to Presidential if you put USC as #1 choice by May 1 with NMF organization.

what time on the 26th? I saw 1 am EST earlier… so if that’s correct would that mean if I stay up late tomorrow night I’ll see it?

@CADREAMIN That’s great! Thanks! I woke up five minutes before the PSAT and felt sick throughout the whole thing so I didn’t do as well as I would have liked. However, I believe that I more than made up for the poor showing with my GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and essays. It would have been extremely disappointing to be rejected for the scholarship simply on the basis of one test.

Nothing in Vegas today!

Does anyone know if they have personally delivered any packages yet?

@marimba17 USC personally delivers packages?