***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Thanks guys. Glad i have some people on my side over here :))

does that mean ACT 31 = no chance? :confused: would really love to find out now!

Entirely not just scores! EC and essays are also big.

@highkeycrying that certainly doesn’t help (I have a 31 so I’m roasting myself too lol) but someone was talking about their brother who got it with a 31, so not no chance.

so as a San Diegan, should I assume that the package (if I received a scholarship) will come tomorrow? I don’t know if I should be worried that it didn’t come today. And since I’m NMSF, will I still receive a letter tomorrow if I’m admitted, even if they don’t want to interview me for another scholarship?

@heysaykayy24 how do you know this? I thought topping scholarship was completely seperate from admissions. If I got a topping scholarship email, does that mean I for sure am not being considered for a merit scholarship?

31 over here as well… We’ll see how things turn out tomorrow

@acrogymnast Yes, San Diego is supposed to receive tomorrow. I’m also really confused about that as an NMSF! Someone answered about it a few posts back but I’m still not clear…do NMSFs find out tomorrow/this week or not?

@callmegray i have very similar stats to you! would you mind telling me what major/school you were accepted to?

does anyone know when the iovine young academy is going to hear? we had the decemeber 1st deadline too

It’s fine guys just wait
I feel that this happens in like every thread before admissions
nobody knows anything

letters, arts, sciences

@callmegray but that would be too reasonable

Do more scholarships go to a certain school?

I have a 3.7, ~2100 SAT, but amazing ECs and essays (I’m white). So I’m not really expecting anything this week, but I applied by Dec 1 deadline because why not? Good luck to you all and congrats to the recipients.

Ahh waiting on something (Bay Area). Also, repeating the National Merit question–since NMFs automatically get Presidential scholarships, do we know this week or later?

Ahh I have a 4.40W/3.81UW, 35 ACT, 1560 SAT. 17 APs by end of HS (11 so far), 9 AP tests all 4s and 5s. NMSF. Do you think I have a chance at the Deans Scholarship? :frowning: I really want it!

@scifan @scarletwitchx Think of NMF as a separate thing altogether from these scholarship packages being received this week. NMF status is not in play yet.

An NMF can be accepted in March, or can also be a student that happens to get one of the scholarships packages now. But the packages coming out now have nothing to do with that NMF status AT THIS TIME.

If you are NMF and you get accepted, let’s say in March, and make USC your #1 choice by May 1st, you will get 1/2 tuition. This just happens to be the same amount as the Presidential scholarships being given now. So some are getting the Presidential now, but these are not due to NMF status.

If you get the Presidential now and end up being NMF, you still get 1/2 tuition. They do not stack. But if you are invited in this week’s package to interview for the biggest scholarships, it could be bumped up. Again, being invited to try for the bigger scholarship is due to being a Presidential scholarship recipient with an invitation to interview and is independent of being NMF.

If you get the package this round, with no scholarship info, in the past several years that has implied Deans scholarship which is 1/4. Dean’s don’t interview for a bigger scholarship, but if you end up being an NMF you will get that Dean’s bumped up to a 1/2.

whew, I know, it’s confusing and hard to put in words! I think I got that right. Hope this helped.

Can you get the Topping scholarship information AND still get other scholarships?

@CADREAMIN That makes a lot more sense now; thank you!