***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@OrthodoxParadox ASU Barrett? i live in AZ and got accepted there, so we might end up going there together haha

Just wanted to share that my portal was updated at 12AM PST!

@navyblue18 Did you get the acceptance package?

Decision: Accepted Dean’s Scholarship

SAT I (breakdown): 2290 Superscore (800 W, 770 M, 720 CR)

ACT (breakdown): N/A

SAT II: Bio M: 800, Math II: 800, Chinese w/Listening: 790, Literature: 700

Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0

Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Top 10%, tied for 1/452 with 10-15 others (ranked by UW)

AP (place score in parenthesis): Lang 5, US History 5, Bio 4, Chinese 5, Physics 1, Calculus AB, US Government, Macroeconomics

IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A

Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics 1, AP US Government, AP Macroeconomics, AP Calculus AB, Science TA, Wind Ensemble, Performance Band

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.)
National Merit Commended
AP Scholar
California Merit Piano Testing levels 1-9

Composing Certificate from CM
Photography Featured on National Geographic

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):

Worship Leader at Church
Pianist of 14 years, skilled at improvisation
Clarinetist for 8 years
Conductor for school Performance Band
Principal Clarinetist for Wind ensemble
Founded largest Music Club on campus
Founded Applying To College Chat-room, grew to 400 members within a few months, filled with Admission Officers and undergraduates as well
Varsity Tennis

All of the above I have pursued throughout the whole four years of high school aside from the chat-room.

Job/Work Experience: Kumon employee, Photographer for little league, church events

Volunteer/Community service: Church VBS actor, assistant, Operation Christmas Child volunteer, teach piano at a local elementary school

Summer Activities: NASA Internship at AMES (Graphing Airplane Data), Composed 55 sonnets for 55 different friends

Essays (rating 1-10, details):
Common App 8-9, explained how my lactose intolerance was used as a medium through which I discovered my artistic passions. Personified lactose intolerance through an extended metaphor, thought it was pretty quirky and painted a fairly accurate picture of who I was.

Identity Essay 9.5, was about my creative musings with my three siblings, explained how being the eldest I had the responsibility of entertaining my counterparts with role playing and crazy reenactments.

Why USC 8, Listed a few music clubs, explained why I wanted to pursue music and business, talked about how welcoming and vital community is to USC.

Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):
Teacher Rec #1: 10, Bio teacher of three years, TAing for her this year, very close to her.

Teacher Rec #2: 8, APUSH teacher who I got to know pretty well, really cares for his students

Counselor Rec: ?, letter from the Principal, gave lots of details about myself to him so hopefully it was good?

Additional Rec: NASA IT Director Letter of Rec, 10/10, explained what I did at the internship well and fleshed out what qualities made me stand out

Interview: N/A

Other: Ending with 330 credits in my high school as a result of a ton of art/music courses, might not have be seen as the usual STEM AP rigor, but probably contributed as a factor.

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Business Administration/Music, entertainment concentration, Marshall School of Business
State (if domestic applicant): California
School Type: Fairly large, 1800 students, couple top students get into high ranking schools each year, 33 NMSF this year.
Ethnicity: Asian, Chinese
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: <125k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): None

Wasn’t expecting to get in this early and was surprised today by the package but I’m glad at least one school likes me.

Strengths: Stats, Essays

Weaknesses: ECs, Awards, Course Rigor

Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I think I painted a good picture of how community oriented of a person I was and how influenced by music/art my daily life was. I put an honest depiction of the type of person I am on paper and USC liked those attributes about me. I am also very humanities oriented and love to write, thus I truly enjoyed writing my essays and that probably shone through them.

Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected:
Deferred from Brown ED

General Comments: Good Luck to everyone who got deferred or are expecting decisions in March, I’ll be rooting for you all!

@DreamforIvy Yessir! ASU Barrett seems pretty cool although my heart has been set on USC for as long as I can remember for a lot of reasons. Definitely a wonderful school though. Also, my portal is still not updated… Hopefully you got in and good luck to the rest of you guys!

@DreamforIvy I received an acceptance letter with the finalist notification for their full-tuition scholarship. I definitely wasn’t expecting it, but good luck to everybody still waiting! I didn’t receive the physical package so I’m sure many more of you will hear through the portal as well.

@navyblue18 Ohh ok. Is your area a 3-Day area?

@rmarczak nothing in PA yet– here at least. Of course, there is always the very realistic possibility that I will not get anything lol

@navyblue18 please share ur stats on the results page for everyone

On my portal, the link to submit my first semester grades was added below everything else. It doesn’t really have any sort of rejection, only “Submit mid-year reports.” Any idea what this can mean?? Hopefully, not what I fear…

My portal was updated, and I was accepted to USC!

No mention of Trustee/Presidential scholarship, so I assume at least Dean’s. I’m content with that, considering I will receive half-tuition if I choose to attend because of National Merit standing.

Good luck to everyone else that applied! I hope everything works out well, and for those interviewing for the large scholarships, good luck!

@OrthodoxParadox I’ve had that link since I made my account, so unless I was never in the running, I don’t think it means anything.

@OrthodoxParadox me too same thing

Weirdly enough, I refreshed the page and it got removed… No idea what is going on but please wait a few minutes to ENSURE your decision is final. As it says, the PHYSICAL package is final.

@OrthodoxParadox same here…

@slightlymad Been tracking this stuff for 5+ years (3 admits to USC) Page 41 post #609 from last year 1:10am is first post of portal update. The year before, first portal update post was 12:32am. Yes, I keep a log of this stuff - silly I know, but helpful eventually to someone.


@Integral69420 Did you receive the white box in the mail? Or are you a 3-Day?

everybody who is getting acceptance please share your results on the result page

same here @OrthodoxParadox

I don’t think I was accepted, as there is no change in my portal :frowning: