UVA EA 2026 thread

out of state

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thank you!!!

D22 accepted- OOS - 3.9UW 4.6W- 1530 SAT. no scholarship info and major info in the letter


In or OOS?
Sounds very much like DD who was accepted – and I hear DEFERRED is not a soft no this year, so I wouldn’t lose hope yet, TBH!!!

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1520 SAT
Latino Male OOS
14 AP classes ( includes AP STAT & AP Japanese)
President of Club
Chairman of Youth Organization
4 year varsity player
Many volunteer hrs
High GPA

One door closes, another opens…
Good luck everyone.


D22 accepted - in state - 3.91UW, 1510, most rigorous, lots of Leadership and long term EC


You have great stats! What major?

In state and another deferral (after Duke, UChicago, MIT), oh well.

10 APs
Research experience with an Ivy professor
Semi-finalist to USAPhO
Work experience in medical field
Four years of marching band with leadership positions
President to three or four clubs
And I got “professional” help with my essays

So disappointed, guess I am not as good as I thought.


D22 accepted - OOS - 3.98UW, 1510/34, good ECs. She’s very pleased after EA deferrals from Villanova and Notre Dame.


Congrats to her on all those great acceptances! Very impatiently waiting on VT!!

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u are great…trust me…u will love where u go! and be a star!


Sorry to hear-you do sound amazing! Deferred is not rejected! I think you will end up with great offers. Good luck.

im scared to check are the emails different for accepted vs denied?

DD was accepted. She’s in state. Got rejected at UNC.

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Something better might be waiting for you. don’t get disappointed.

Thank you! I applied 15 out of top 18 schools, I will be happy if I can land any of them. I will accept the fact that I am not good enough if none of them accepts me. :rofl:

Political Science…

oh matt…i am a mom…and was the head a of big private school’s parent teacher association. soooooooo many kids i know got into their “top” school and got Cs and hated the culture. trust me. sometimes going to the next best thing is better! the kids who ended up at their “next” choice had straight As and loved college. u will be all cool!


As expected by now, another rejection for DS. So hard to get in OOS this cycle, even with 3.95 GPA and 1560 SAT, especially for engineering. Congrats to all who were accepted and good luck to those who were deferred.


You will get into at least one of those schools! Hang in there!