UVA EA 2026 thread

D22 Accepted OOS

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No tests is a killer at all of these schools. Same issue for my daughter.

We all thought it was fine and permitted. Nope.


Jefferson isnt out yet…isnt that the only full ride for OOS?


I was admitted test optional OOS


Admit OOS. 4.3 weighted at private school. 1590 SAT one sitting. 5 AP scores of 5 (no other scores). Primary extracurriculars are publications in area of interest at some prestigious journals for high schoolers. Semi-typical sports, music, community activities.

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Why not wait another 2 months to see if she got into UVA and visit then? I guess it’s nice to be done and not stress anymore. But if she was considering UVA over UM yesterday, wouldn’t that still be a consideration in 2 months? Nothing to lose. At this point they’ve come so far and worked so hard, might as well have all the info possible before making a decision. I should note my DS was also deferred during early decision in state so we are still waiting to find out. Congrats to your DD UMich is a great school


You really are very proud of yourself!

Wisest words I’ve read. Thanks for the perspective.

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Congrats. You can get into the great schools without tests. Obviously. Approximately 30 percent of the best classes are test optional.

But the number of apps in that pile are 8-10x higher. The odds are long and the natural, human nature response is “no test means bad test”.


Agree, and there are no departmental scholarships for first time undergrads…


congrats to all the acceptances here!
quick question on the deferral portal - is it really just the one YES/NO question to indicate that you want to remain in consideration? is that the “form”? just want to be sure DD did not miss anything. mid-year grades are already submitted. thanks!

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I agree, I believe someone is either misled or ■■■■■■■■. Dean J replied to a comment on reddit. No departmental scholarships have been awarded yet. (Deleted Sentence About REA+ EA Rules). Although I’m not sure why someone would intentionally post something that isn’t true… With the same respect/benefit of the doubt, I’ll say that acceptance into any of those schools is a great accomplishment, Congrats.

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FYI Applying REA to Harvard doesn’t prohibit someone from applying EA to public universities; only other privates.


ahh gotcha!

4.0 UW GPA - usual honors and APs - school does not rank
1570 SAT (one sitting 790M/780V)
Accomplished musician (played national venues - NY, Chi, etc)
NHS officer etc
Varsity athlete
Top public HS outside of NYC.

She already pulled it. Before she did I went over some of the reasons she might regret that decision. Some of which you touched on. She has worked hard but she’s a very stubborn girl and she’s made her decision. Her nickname isn’t “one track” for nothing.

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Interesting that a comment on this thread was so quickly fact checked, that too by DeanJ! :clap: :clap: I had a question to the OP on the merit money and where it was mentioned as UVA is not known to release this so early.

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bro why are you lying :sob::sob: you cant declare ur major at uva until your first or second year, so how could you have gotten a scholarship from a department you arent in? Even the scholarships that UVA does offer from departments are only for returning students. Since ur OOS, the only way u can get a full ride is through jefferson which isnt out yet….As an ACTUAL jefferson finalist from the bmore area, Im so confused as to why you feel compelled to lie to people on CC? Weirdo….


So many students in same situation and it is really sad. There is a school that will be super excited to have you. You are amazing.

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Son rejected In-State. 1550 SAT (single attempt), 11 APs, 4.4 GPA (3.9 UW). Extensive technical/leadership/athletic ECs, A’s in college Multivariable Calc and Matrix Algebra. Makes no sense to me but congratulations to all the kids accepted. UVA is a beautiful campus.