UVA EA 2026 thread

Our DD22 is also waiting for Willima & Mary. I wish there’s was so late, and they had an EA option.


Wow. Your kid must have a felony!!

I am sure they will be fine. Hang in there.

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The modern day college application process sucks. With those stats he will def end up at a great school. Best of luck!


Accepted OOS (International)!

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It makes no sense, and it is shameful the state taxpayers put up with this while there are many oos taken for the extra tuition $'s.

Quick question, how many AP test scores did he submit for his 11 APs?

I had 13 APs and I sent 0 AP scores.

Might want to look at how little the state of Virginia contributes to UVA budget relative to other schools like UNC and Texas. This is what skews the numbers because the budget has to be met some way…


Well having a born and raised Virginian child with “perfect” scores and grades outright rejected does feel like a sucker punch. I know there are lots of great candidates, but on objective measures, my child would have to statistically well positioned. The only thing he didn’t have that I know is preferred by UVA was a fourth year of language but he knows 10 software languages (also has a patent and a tech startup), so it wasn’t like he was slacking. If he has a felony as someone else noted, at least it would make sense- I would kill for it to make sense! :slight_smile: To me, in state schools have an obligation to open their doors to the state’s best and brightest who worked their tails off but UVA sees it differently and we have no power in this process. That said, I don’t want my frustration to take away from those admitted, it’s a wonderful accomplishment :slight_smile:


He just submitted his 5’s; which at the time was five. He has some this year also that he has not taken a test for. We debated the fours and he has one 3- he is a super commended scholar or whatever but we saw varying advice on submitted AP scores - so just went conservative. So my advice would be to not do anything we did in regards to UVA.

Sorry to ask for the details. So he submitted how many of the APs he had taken through junior year?

It’s just a theory of mine in terms of data. Test optional is tough and separately kids who don’t submit AP scores is tough.

I think!

I would like to send you a private message that your kid will like.

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That really doesn’t make sense. I’m sure if he applied ED, they would have grabbed him. Things have changed with their ED option. I know most schools deny “yield protection”, but there is no way that they don’t consider the applicant’s probability of attendance. I know they take some very qualified kids who are not likely to attend, but I’m sure they have to balance it out with those that they think will. The bottom line is that as a highly qualified instate applicant, he should have the option to attend his state’s flagship. This process is broken.


I would like to preface this by saying that I’m not trying to stir anything up or start any conflict (EDIT: I also don’t want to call the character of the applicant into question at all, I apologize if it might come across that way)…. I just want to add a different perspective. The only information we have about this applicant comes from his mother. We know about his test scores, GPA, some of his classes taken, and have a broad understanding of ECs. However, we have no information about things like essays, letters of rec, school profile, or any other details in the application that would be evaluated holistically. I think it’s disingenuous to judge an applicant based on this limited profile. While it does appear very strange based on the information we have been provided, we don’t have the full story and I don’t think it makes sense to say that the process is “broken” based on this.


I am very aware of the details of budgeting for the school and knowledgeable of other school funding for comparison. A student like this and others like him should be served by this school instead of the school remaining small and elite over the years. Instead of growing as other schools did to meet their population growth like other similar schools UVA limited its size turning away more great students every year. Please do not assume I do not know the funding makeup of the school when I say as a VA resident I feel it is shameful how outstanding students are turned away from this state school. It is shameful we see outstanding students paying an oos Michigan rate because UVA rejected them.

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I am very sorry UVA is not working out for your family. There are so many well qualified instate students across the state and unfortunately UVA cannot accept them all. There are just not enough seats in any incoming class for all the best students in Virginia. And many of the best students across the state tend to apply so the competition is tough for even the very best students like your son. And many top Virginia kids apply ED . Virginia does have other very good options for Virginia residents- William & Mary, Virginia Tech, George Mason, JMU, etc. We are lucky as Virginia residents. And there are great schools outside of Virginia that should be happy to have your son and the price could very well end up being less than UVA depending on merit or financial aid.

I know you’re frustrated . It is very tough when the admissions results don’t go the way we expected or thought they should. Good luck to you and your son!


Well you are assuming the others weren’t just as well qualified? That’s the problem. There are way more qualified kids than there are seats at the school. Are you advocating that there should be enough seats available for all qualified students? Like double the size of the freshman class? While I’d love to see that it would require adding new buildings, faculty, acquiring land, etc and don’t know where that money would come from. Would taxpayers be willing to foot that bill?

Wrong thread…edited my message

I’m confused.

This linked in profile shows that you are already a freshman at UVA:

Is that just someone else that has the same unusual name?

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Pretty good chance this person was a (successful) tro-ll account. Too many inconsistencies and hard to believe