UVA EA 2026 thread

Literally the same choices here - UMichigan and UVA. But my daughter also learned she is a finalist for Johnson at W&L so that may change things completely! Hopefully in a good way!

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When/ how did she hear about Johnson? Still holding out hope :crossed_fingers:

She found out about a week ago. It was discussed on the W&L thread.

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Makes total sense. Thx, and best of luck to her.

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My D is OOS. She’s accepted to UM and UVA Echols scholar. Rejected at UNC, which was her #1. We plan on visiting both.


is she rejected by UNC because of over-qualified? UM is much better than UNC :grinning:

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I don’t think so. 4.0UW/ 4.58W. Test optional, it was hard to get a test here.

You’re aware UNC is more difficult to get into OOS than UM, right? There is a tremendous overlap in UVA/UM/UNC applications, as the “public Ivies” tend to attract many of the same applicants. There are, of course, varying strengths to each schools’ curriculums with respect to the others, but there’s not a public school anywhere that is “much better” than any of those three.

Of the three, the only school where someone might initially get deferred for being “over qualified” would be UM, as they are the only one that actively (according to multiple GCs, who have heard directly from their AO) yield protects early is UM.


We are in state VA. DS admitted EA to UVA and
UNC Honors with Assured admit to undergraduate business school. If chooses UVA plans to apply to Com school but no guarantee of acceptance. Are the business programs comparable? According to US News they are both ranked 8th. We would be paying OOS tuition at UNC. Any advice? DS likes both schools and would be happy at either.

Congratulations to your DS. The business programs are comparable and two of the best programs in the country. The guaranteed entry to UNC program is a big deal. I guess you need to find out the likelihood of getting into UVA business school (I don’t have any idea) and weigh it with the additional OOS cost at UNC.

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My son is headed to UVA as in-state (even that is pricy for us, but we feel the school has excellent potential ROI and my son really feels it is a good fit); but honestly if you can afford OOS UNC and your kid doesn’t have a preference between the schools, I’d consider if he would be more comfortable not stressing about getting into the business school???

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So…our D is in OOS at UNC but not direct admit to Kenan-Flagler. Deferred UVA and awaiting UM LSA and Ross updates. Don’t have tremendous confidence in either coming through, but unless Ross hits she probably would choose UNC over the other options.

Why? Since being admitted she did a LOT of research. UVA is decidedly harder to get into the Com school than UNC is to the B school. She’s been all over every forum, has asked questions of students in both schools, etc. While this isn’t particularly relevant to you re:UNC, it is relevant re:UVA.

It’s not a slam dunk to be accepted in UVA. Far from it. S will need to become super involved, get top shelf grades, and still will be winging it with respect to whether he’d be accepted. Can definitely put himself in position, but lots of kids are dissapointed.

If your S is dedicated to absolutely studying business, from a purely acadmic standpoint UNC is probably the safest option. Kenan-Flagler is tremendously well-respected. Is it on level with McIntire? You’d probably get people saying McIntire has a little bit of an edge, but they’re undoudtedly peers.

Importantly…he’d probably also have a slightly easier time elevating to the top of his class. Top of class at UNC B-school is going to open any door he wants to open.

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Daughter was not accepted into McIntire with a 3.65 at UVA is currently an Econ major lined up a great internship this Summer in DC.
Numerous friends with higher GPAs also not accepted. Definitely need to maintain high GPA and there are certain clubs and leadership positions that dramatically increase your odds of acceptance.
There are interview and applications for the clubs which are extremely competitive. She learned this later but doesn’t regret not getting into McIntire because she likes still having liberal arts classes to take.
She choose between direct acceptance to Boston College’s undergrad business option and having to apply at UNC or UVA during her 2nd year.
No regrets she loves it and the job placement/salaries for undergrads from McIntire and Econ are not dramatically different. If gunning for IB at MBB McIntire has it’s advantages but a lot of those internships are decided before you are even accepted at McIntire.


So, so true. I’m trying to explain to my D that undergrad business is NOT something that she should be chasing at this point. Apply where she might, but for an overwhelming amount of options a B school degree is not entirely relevant. I used to hire for our company a lifetime ago, and while we of course had our share of Wharton, etc. kids I always loved the “secondary” majors. Unless it’s CS or something that takes a skillset that is taught very specifically in a classroom setting, smart kids can learn the aspects of business through experience. Yes, some schools open doors a bit quicker, but UVA is going to do that as well.

Also true on IB and other sexy internships. My S21 is at Cornell and was laughing at the LinkedIn pages for many of his sophomore and junior friends. He said for every “fancy” internship, he knows exactly how they landed it. A few earned it. Many had it waiting for them.


30 year old data here…SEAS '93…but McIntire admits worked hard to get in…solid grades for a few years, and a lot of other polish…I was in the E-School, and as a Rodman Scholar I was able to force my way into Comm School classes that I found interesting, but among the Arts & Sciences crowd, being selected into McIntire was a point of pride, as a differrentiator in any already “high bar” crowd of A&S undergrads.

I ended up going to law school, and then into strategy consulting, and business eventually…I’ve worked with plenty of Ivy MBAs, etc…and while Comm School isn’t a substitute for an MBA, but it will open doors for some internships and the like. However, it’s a “must have” degree for your kid, K-F has a great rep and guaranteed admission is not something you can remotelyl count on at McIntire. Personally (and I’m obviously biased), I’ve always found the UVA pool to be noticeably stronger than the UNC pool overall…but I think that’s primarily because of just how many IS kids both take, and the fact that the barrel just isn’t quite as deep in NC as it is VA (and I lived in Charlotte for many years…we saw how many kids from our schools went to Chapel-Hill…it’s definitely a really strong school, but I give the nod to UVA overall on strength of students…so it sorta boils down to just how badly your kid wants to do Comm School work undergrad vs maybe thinking about an MBA later. Personally, I feel like I learned more in a few years at McKinsey than an MBA could ever teach.


Following up on your last line…Was involved in the hiring process at both a bank and consulting firm, and can tell you that in today’s world the value of a business degree is becoming more marginal by the day. B-school helps a ton with networking/internships/etc. but it is quite true that real world experience trumps anything they teach you in college. Maybe the kids from the shiny schools had a leg up for the first few months as they understood concepts a bit more clearly, but that also worked against them at time. They were taught a certain way, and often had to unlearn what a prof and class hammered home and discover how our firm preferred they go about their business.

I say this with a D hell-bent on getting into an undergrade B-school, lol. Btw, I agree with much of what girldad71 says re:UVA vs UNC. The average UVA student is considered slightly more impressive than the average UNC student (in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, at least, which is where my samples size exists), BUT top graduates from McIntire or Kenan Flagler are indistinguishable in my opinion. If you elevate in those schools, you’re special and people will want to hire you. Which is the “bird in the hand” theory. Direct admit to K-F is probably a better bet if your child is absolute in their desire to study business. Just know they can achieve the same things if they don’t study business. May not be as linear, but today’s hiring isn’t particularly linear…


did anyone admitted EA get their financial aid package yet?

My daughter did.

Yes, it was in the financial aid portal just few days after acceptance, almost a month ago.

I would do UNC OOS for guaranteed admit to business school. Very difficult to get in both UNC and UVA business school and many highly qualified applicants don’t. Only way I would choose UVA is if he is ok not getting into McEntire.