UVA EA 2026 thread

Everything is blank on mine including the option to request to withdraw. All I can do is upload general document updates. Perhaps this is a good sign? Anyone else have the option to withdraw still?

I think that is a good sign for you. Other schools I’ve been accepted to deleted the “Option to Withdraw” button (for accepted students only) a day before decisions went out. Good luck!


Never mind! My Option to Withdraw link is now gone. Hmmmmm …

In the eForms student center section of the SIS portal does everyone have a link that says “Accept/Decline Awards”?

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Correction: In the Financials section of the SIS portal, does everyone have a link that says “Accept/Decline Awards”

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What is the SIS portal?

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It’s here:


You should have received instructions about how to access it after you applied.

For the financial aid section of SIS it says “no awards yet”.


What does it say when you click on the Finance Center link?

I have that link

Under Financial Aid, I see an option to view financial aid and an option to accept/decline awards. Both links don’t seem to work though…


me too. the finance center page has 2 links: “View Financial Aid” and “Accept/Decline Awards”

These links show: aid year, institution, aid year description.

Just curious whether or not everyone is seeing what I am.

Seems most people are seeing the withdraw button dissapear. Usually there are outliers, so possible this is just how everyone’s (accept/defer/reject) portal looks at this moment. So funny- reading every tea leaf to brace for news one way or the other!


I also had the withdraw button disappear

Same here.

I don’t think my daughter did the SIS portal. She just has the Application Status Portal. I assume this is where the decision will display? IF, that that a rather large IF, she is accepted, can we then set up the SIS portal?

She should have received the UVA computing ID when she applied. Using that, and maybe the temporary password, she can sign up to UVA SIS. My daughter found out SIS to be useful to address some of pending financial aid matters. Otherwise, it is not that a big deal.

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I did not receive an email regarding the SIS portal … just the status portal.

I do not have my withdraw button but I do have an upload… anyone know what this means?

could you please send a screenshot