UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

Deferred in-state engineering 3.98/4.5, 1560, NMSF, CS internship, CS-related club leadership, varsity athlete, self taught musician.

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Can’t do better than that. Head high …

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I hope your daughter doesn’t feel she is settling for UM it is elite and ranked higher in many categories than UVA. Different schools to be sure but having experience with both I can tell you UM is exceptional and will serve her well post graduation.


Just a general reminder that colleges with low acceptance rates, it isn’t a perfect science - do X and you get in. They’re trying to get x000 students out of 50000 applicants into their Freshmen class… which means they will reject a lot of great students who probably would have done great there. Just the nature of the beast


Makes no sense. I’m sure there are 100’s of schools that would love to have your student. UVA’s loss.


does anyone know when the Echols scholarship will come out?


In DeanJ’s blog post she said next week.


D accepted/OOS
GPA: 4.0 UW/4.8
Act: 34
11 APs
Public School–doesn’t rank
Strong ECs , part-time job


Obviously I know UMich’s college of engineering is one of the top 15 programs in the country. So she’s not settling academically. The pain comes in knowing other kids who UVA accepted. And I’m not so sure UMIch is the right environment for a kid like my daughter. It’s not all about ranking sometimes. Basically no one from her school gets accepted into UVA (unless they’re athletes). I really didn’t want to believe that, but seeing kids from a nearby private school getting accepted while the public school kids (who’s course load is way harder) is depressing. But tomorrow we will pick ourselves up and put UVA firmly behind us! Congrats to those who did get in!!


Thank you. He’ll be fine. It is disappointing. Not clear to me why they didnt just reject. UVA doesn’t practice yield maintenance. 3.98 so cant believe they are waiting for first semester grades…cowards!!


Fyi, the Non-Virginian status was our fault, in looking at DS’ application he/we listed it as no. I think we saw it as some extra privilege and not mere residency and we didn’t notice it on his portal until tonight. Huge blunder. Very sad.

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GPA 4.42 (W)
GPA 3.92 (UW)
Rank 50/446
6 AP, 2 DE, 8 Honors
HS in Loudoun County
Commended Student - National Merit Scholarship
NHS, National French Honors, Math Honors society
Research Internship, Mentor/Lead in PASTA

Very dissapointing

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It is tough at these highly desired Public universities… My son has been deferred at Michigan, waitlisted at UNC and now deferred at UVA. He does not have quite the stats that you list but still in the top quartile as to what all of them publish. Lucky that he has been accepted at UT (where we are in state). I hope he has other good options


No matter what, she needs the right school, not the highest ranked - especially when it comes to engineering where it will likely matter less.

Engineering is brutally hard everywhere. Her acceptance to Michigan is AWESOME. That said if she truly feels it’s not right, there’s still time to find one that is. Remember she will spend four years there, day after day.

Best of luck.


UT=Texas? Hook em horns!


Yes, Hook 'em

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My son got in OOS for philosophy/computer science. 1570 SAT, just under 4.0. Lots of AP’s, EC’s, Leadership, National Merit etc. Private school in Boston area.

He was deferred from Michigan which was a blow-- some people seem to have the opposite news with yes to Michigan and no or deferred from UVA.

We’re trying not to take any of this personally. I’m very impressed by the stats of those who have been deferred or denied. Hang in there.


If she’s studying engineering, Michigan is a much stronger choice with better opportunities. This is why you really need to look at major versus ranking. Michigan is a top 10 engineering school. UVA is a top 40 engineering school. My oldest got in to Michigan and UVA for engineering but ended up going to Georgia Tech. He loved UVA but not for engineering - no comparison in facilities and opportunities. Have you toured UVA for engineering? That was the deciding factor for him.

Be excited about Michigan- it is great!


My son got in to both Michigan and UVA for engineering. He chose UVA. For him it was a better fit.


@VirginiaBelle , I believe you’re a Georgia resident? If so , Georgia Tech is a wonderful option and makes perfect sense for engineering. And possibly less expensive? UVA is great for engineering, just different, but with plenty of opportunities and successful alumni. It may not be seen as an engineering powerhouse, but it is the right fit for many kids.

Congratulations to those accepted and best wishes to those who were not . Schools like UVA have so many well qualified applicants and many unfortunately will get disappointing results. I do feel particularly bad for the high stat instate kids with great EC’s that are not getting accepted to their instate option. But, the numbers of applications at all desirable schools seem to keep going up.

Good luck to all!