UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

35 ACT and ranked top 6/500ish

Founded STEM organization with media coverage and mayoral recognition
Violin (play for community and hold concerts)
Physics club president (help members with USAPHO)
Research (study VOCs and presented at conferences)
Tennis captain (played in 15+ tournaments)
FLBA president (serve on state board, help plan state conferences).
Participated in a math summer program that had a ≈10% acceptance rate, where I authored a paper.

Int’l violin award (invited to play a solo at Carnegie Hall), National Merit Finalist, and FBLA state/national awards


Well deserved

What other colleges you have gotten in?

Daughter got Echols.


Fyi, regarding my son’s application in which we mistakenly mis-read the residency question and so he was reviewed as out of state when we are Virginia residents (40 years) … UVA will not reconsider his application under in-state status. Oh well, it was worth a try. I feel like an idiot for reading too much into that question (I took the question of whether we were claiming a “privilege” of residency to mean something extra (such as with military families) rather than just plain old living here. My son will be fine, he has been admitted to his first choice small liberal arts school and is still in deferred status at Harvard. The UVA admissions counselors provided quick responses and an understanding ear. I have nothing but praise for them.



Don’t feel like an idiot. I almost answered that question incorrectly, too. We are a military family and the way it’s worded can have nuanced meanings for us. For example, if the military member claims residency in a different state from where he’s living, we could claim a privilege of in-state residency for another state. Several scenarios went through my mind when I read it. My daughter applied to 16 schools and that was the only one that made us pause. I’m so glad your son has great options and hopefully will end up happy with his choice.


Thank you, that means a lot to just know that it gave someone else pause.


That question gave me pause and hubby had to think about it as well. Sorry they wouldn’t reconsider.

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Perhaps this is a good time to remind Regular Decision applicants that the top of the UVA Applicant portal shows the student’s legal name, school of entry, application term, and residency decision. Under the residency decision is the line “If you have questions about your residency status, please visit the Office of Virginia Status website, email their office, or call 434.982.3391.”

You can see a screen grab of what I’m describing in the portal on this blog post from January.

The Residency tab is the domain of the the Office of Virginia Status and they have legal reasons for asking the questions there.


S23 was selected for Echols. Didn’t really have it on the radar. From the information on the page, it sounds like an attractive program.


It’s so helpful when people share stats and admissions decisions. There is a thread ONLY for UVA admissions results, so that people don’t have to sort through 500+ comments and lengthy discussion to see results data.

If you haven’t already shared on the RESULTS ONLY thread, please consider doing so.

Congrats!! Stats please?

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D23 OOS accepted
Invited to Echols
14 APs (all 5s so far)
Very competitive ECs with national recognition
1530 SAT


Awesome. Is she ivy bound ?

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UVA accepts much less OOS students compare to UM(Michigan), of course UVA is smaller in size compare to UM. I found out UVA is the most expensive OOS public school and at the same time very expensive instate school too(slightly more than UC (Berkeley) and UM). I only compared Engineering schools and Business schools at these 3 schools, UC, UM, and UVA.
UVA McIntire Instate cost ( almost 29k, just tuition and fees) plus Room, food etc. I would say total per year (approx 44k-46k/year). Son is graduating from UVA McIntire this May, It was a perfect school for him. He enjoyed and enjoying his last semester at UVA.

UVA is a great school and we are fortunate its Instate for us :slight_smile: and happy that he got in when he did.

Every year, its only getting harder to get into top public schools. Good luck to you all.


29K for instate is twice as much as it is for us as instate to UT Austin.

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Yes, it is expensive but it is absolutely worth it (In my opinion) if you get into McIntire. Definitely worth it for us instate residents- one of the top overall undergrad business school and one of the oldest undergrad business schools, great campus in a beautiful town. Its a top tier target school for Wall street and for Top consulting firms. Its amazing how strong is UVA jobs placement is.

When my son got into UVA, we knew the odds of getting into McIntire is not sure thing, at the same time we also felt he would be fine with or without McIntire at UVA.
On a side note- Huge number of non-McIntire students (Econ, Stats, Data Analytics majors) gets placed at top banks and top consulting firms too as most of the recruiting is done in the summer before Junior year.

UVA McIntire fees info: Funding Your Degree - B.S. in Commerce | UVA (McIntire fees is for year 3 and 4. )

The above info is few years old, could not find current fees. Fees has gone up a little since then.

Best wishes to all parents and students!

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I’ve mentioned this before but my child graduating in May was not accepted into McIntire with a 3.7 GPA. She minored in Entrepreneurship at McIntire but was an Economics major. She’ll be starting at Capital One in McLean in July and making over $110k next year.
In speaking to her friends, there are some from McIntire who have the same exact job and another from McIntire who applied and didn’t get it. As well as a Duke economics acquaintance who has the same job/location lined up after graduation.
The placement in consulting and IB from McIntire is truly impressive but keep in mind some of that occurs prior to entering the program and not everybody wants IB/consulting. Mine realized after her friends did internships last Summer that IB (hours) and consulting (travel) were not for her any way.
McIntire has its benefits but getting a quality internship, keeping up your grades and clubs/networking can offset a lot of that…


Days on the lawn and engineering admitted students day (and other visit opportunities) are now live in the portals.