UVa Early Action Applicants for the Class of 2016!

<p>guarantetra – unless things have changed at UNC, they accept about the same percentage of OOS applicants EA as RD, any difference in the actual numbers is tied to differences in numbers of OSS applications EA vs RD. Since UNC has had its EA process in place for a number of years, the number of OOS EA applications is pretty substantial. </p>

<p>The reason why UNC’s IS acceptance numbers are so high EA is that the VAST majority of IS applicants apply EA – something around 80%</p>

<p>It will be very interesting to learn on Friday how UVa’s EA numbers break down – e.g., how many IS students applied early? If it was a large percentage of total IS applications over recent admission cycles, then UVa’s EA admit numbers for IS will likely be fairly large, just like UNC’s. Since UVa’s overall applications are up about by 4,000 2012 over 2011, and if, as Dean J has speculated, that increase is largely in OOS applications, then OOS admits EA and RD will be tougher than ever to get. Will that translate into a large number of deferrals EA? Guess we will find out on Friday.</p>

<p>I just have to say that I have not seen anything at any other school even close to DeanJ’s regular blog and interaction with applicants. Her interaction keeps the process informed, humane, and much less anxiety-ridden. It certainly separates UVA and represents the school in a very positive light. Thanks, DeanJ, for your enthusiasm!</p>

<p>Ahhhh! that’s nerve-wracking. I’m OOS, so I’m hoping for the best.</p>

<p>this is a serious comment not trying to ■■■■■ or anything…but does anyone find it weird that its at EXACTLY 5pm on friday?? can they plan it so precise like that?</p>

<p>wahoo nation – It’s the magic of computers. It’s all loaded into the database ahead of time, and just before 5:00 they press a button and it all becomes available to applicants. Did you really not understand this concept?</p>

<p>I’m so scared, restless, yet excited for Friday. This is ridiculous. I wish they just told us the day of that decisions will be released so that I dont have to think about it as much!</p>

<p>@daddynobucks i was more curious about the planned time…i thought colleges generally just set a day not a specific time…the thought of thousands of ppl all sitting waiting to log on a 5pm is kinda crazy ha</p>

<p>All of the schools I applied to have a set time, or a “some time before 7pm” sort of thing.</p>

<p>Question guys! Will not having submitted our Mid Year Reports affect this? Does anyone know? Because my school hasn’t even updated our transcripts to include last semester yet.</p>

<p>@lizziedoll456 nope!</p>


We’ve been doing it this way since 2003 or so. In our old system, it was simple change of code. I’d type a “-1” a few times and the decisions were there. It was so easy that our wonderful, late dean, [Jack</a> Blackburn](<a href=“http://uvamagazine.org/university_digest/article/in_memoriam_jack_blackburn_1941-2009/]Jack”>http://uvamagazine.org/university_digest/article/in_memoriam_jack_blackburn_1941-2009/), typed the code once. :)</p>

<p>In our new system, it’s only slightly more complicated, but it’s still fast.</p>

<p>UNC’s blog says that they don’t want to publicize the exact time for fear the system will crash as thousands of people try to log on at the same time. Do you have better servers, better software, or just more faith :slight_smile: Ever had any problems?</p>

<p>TV - last year when potentially 22k students where trying to log on at 5pm for decisions I know several students that had no problem logging in on their smartphones from all sorts of locations. Point being they weren’t using the best connections and had no problems whatsoever. Many kids will choose to wait until they are home.</p>

<p>What has been a factor in the past for students is their internet connectivity speed not the UVa site.</p>

<p>Way back in 2004,when ED was still around for the class entering in 05’, son found out at 5pm the night before Thanksgiving. It was great to have that decision so early. I think changing the EA notification to be more in line with lots of other schools (by Mid December) would be great. Kids (especially instate ones who may have UVa as their first choice) would be spared the cost and stress of having to make alot of other applications. Good luck to those waiting for news on Friday!</p>

<p>I was part of our SIS implementation team (just the admission part, not on the rest of it) and consultants who had worked with many schools that made the same switch said that UVa’s implementation was the best they had ever seen. It can handle the load. I believe UNC owns the same SIS, but they might have set it up differently.</p>

<p>Many applicants don’t log in exactly at 5 PM on notification day. There are plenty of students who won’t see the blog or the email we’re sending about the early release.</p>

<p>agree sevmom. I think that is what they use ED for, but early EA would also sure save a lot of wasted time and effort and stress. The student could finish out senior year more comfortably and take some time to visit schools rationally instead of rushing to visit several in April.</p>

<p>hi Dean J…i do not know if you can answer this question but i will try. If a student has a very good application…but terrible test scores, in terms of ACT 3-5 points below the middle 50%…can test scores be a deal breaker?</p>

<p>I realize there will be many well qualified applicants who will be disappointed. If first year admission doesn’t work out, please realize that UVa does accept a fair number of transfer students each year, for students who do very well at another college. </p>

<p>[Transfer</a> Q&A, Transfer Students, Undergraduate Admission, U.Va.](<a href=“http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/TransferQA.html]Transfer”>http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/TransferQA.html)</p>

<p>That site says the transfer acceptance rate to UVA is “typically 35 to 40%.”</p>

<p>(Note - Many selective private colleges admit very very few transfers.)</p>

<p>Well said, Charlieschm. </p>

<p>Good luck to all the applicants tomorrow!</p>