UW Class of 2025 Waitlist

So probably they won’t accept many more waitlisted students right?

Have no way of knowing tbh yet shared info that may have some bearing.

Madison never seems to have room for all students in dorms … there is always a waiting list. They’ve been known to put kids on the waiting list in makeshift rooms they’ve temporarily converted from lounges in dorms until some kids drop out and/or a room becomes available.

What is concerning here is they haven’t leveraged the Lowell Center (campus hotel) in years to anyone’s recollection and are already telling these 100 admitted freshman that they probably won’t get off the list

Now, there are always freshmen who CHOOSE to live in apartments every year and those folks aren’t taking up dorm space in those years or this year.

These type of capacity issues don’t lend themselves to the historical 30% of the waitlist being offered admission.

My guess - and stress only that and anyone else on this board would be guessing too - is they will accept some on waitlist
or would have notified it was closed. At the same time seems very hard to believe that 30% of a large waitlist will be accepted in this bizarre year.

They might just look at students on the waitlist that are near campus, maybe in the Madison area, that won’t require housing. Chances are many OOS would need to find private apartments and probably pay more for rent. It’s really hard to say though, there is still the possibility of admission but if you don’t have a definitive plan if you get admitted that might be an issue.

I just got an email update.

Thank you for your continued interest in the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Our Fall 2021 wait list remains active for students from Wisconsin, and you remain on our unranked wait list. We are continuing to monitor available space in our incoming class, and we will reach out regarding your status on our wait list as soon as possible and no later than July 31.

If you no longer wish to remain on the wait list for consideration in our incoming class, please reply to this email and we will remove you.


Office of Admissions and Recruitment
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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I got an email saying
Thank you for your continued interest in the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

We have been keeping a close eye on our incoming freshman class to evaluate space for students on our wait list.

At this time, we do not foresee space opening up and will be releasing you from our Fall 2021 wait list to allow you to finalize your plans as you pursue other academic opportunities.

We wish we could offer all students a spot in our incoming class, but space is limited. We received a record number of applications this year and had an incredibly strong applicant pool. While we can never predict how many students may be admitted from our wait list, this year was particularly difficult to anticipate.
Maybe it is just me been rejected… feelsbadman

wait you got a different email?

Yes, are you guys getting the same email? I think if you all get the same email it means that only I/some students are rejected from the waitlist, others are still hopeful to be accepted.

I got the email appl5577 got

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I see, good luck for you, I think it is time for me to do some research about pitt now, I have been giving strong hopes and hoping to get off the waitlist so I did not do much research about mcurrent school, now everything I’ve done just makes me look like an idiot…

The difference in the emails is that one person is from WIsconsin while the other presumably is not. That’s why the one email refers to the waitlist “remaining active for students from Wisconsin”.

So only Wisconsin residents are remaining on the WL? Bummer.

Good luck at Pitt!

Yeah I got the email that Wisconsin residents are still being considered.

thank you and great job getting into pitt I am sure you are going to do great there and have an amazing time, it’s a great school!

Thanks, good luck for you!

Are you out of state?

Sorry, I have been a lurker on this group… just thought I’d give an update for those still waiting… Wisconsin is giving out decisions. My son got admitted today… we are from Illinois but he is treated as a resident because of his dad. So I think the view from everyone that they are accepting residents, is likely true.


Just curious, but what were his stats if you don’t mind sharing? And his intended major? I’ve also been lurking this thread, I’m in-state, and like to think I’m competitive for getting off the waitlist. Congrats to him! And good luck to everyone else!

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I’m guessing they might do that with everyone in your situation first? As far as I’m aware nobody living in Wisconsin has gotten off the waitlist.

I got this in my admissions thing

but it won’t let me hit the accept button and the letter still shows the waitlist thing atm, are you guys aware of this? I’m pretty sure I got admitted as I literally just checked this.