UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

I still haven’t received a decision. And I have no idea how they will send them out. I did the priority app though

I’ve heard its normally on a friday towards the end of the month, so either the 24th or possibly the 31st. Maybe this friday if we are lucky? But i’ve tried to just put it out of my mind and wait for it to come. Oh and they send them all out at once, they don’t do rolling admissions or anything like that. So if you applied priority you will hear back sometime in the next two or so weeks and if you applied regular you will probably hear back by the end of april or beginning of may.

Hey guys, Can you let me know what are my chances of admission. (I finished my application on March 1)

These are my stats:

  1. Sophomore at Purdue University-West Lafayette.

  2. Majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Minoring in Physics.

  3. I have 58 credits with an overall GPA of 3.06 and 15 on going credits…

  4. I have great Essays.

  5. I am a member of 2 Clubs on campus (Outing Club and Ski and Snowboarding club).

  6. I have been involved in multiple volunteering activities such as Habitat for humanity, winterization, PUDM and a few other activities.

  7. Multiple Letter of Recommendations.

(Also, I would like you to know that I did great great in my freshmen year with 3.5 in my first semester and 3.3 in my second. However, I got 2.84 in my first semester sophomore year. I didn’t do well in my sophomore year because i had a huge course load with 6 courses (19 credit hours) and all of the courses were core physics, math, engineering courses. I had 3 math courses, 1 advanced physics course, and 2 core engineering courses. Despite that I was doing well, but after the first month i got very sick for about 3 weeks. That made me fall behind in a my courses and I had tough time catching up with the courses. (I got 1 A-, 1 B+, 2 B, 1 B- and 1 C))

Hey guys! Nice to see that we’re all anxiously suffering together.
I am currently a Freshman.
High school
3.2 unweighted GPA
Wrestling, Soccer, Track
Fall Play, and musical for 2015 year
2 Clubs primarily volunteering
Gallon Graduate (Donated 1+ gallons of fluid)
4 CAPP (Same as AP but went through UWO) english, chemistry 1 & 2, comm
And worked about 15 hours per week

3.47 GPA Fall Semester with 14 creds
Most likely 4.0 GPA Spring Semester with 18 creds.
3 extra curriculars
2 recs from professors and one was a former Math professor at UW Madison
Anddddddd I work 5-10 hours per week

The wait for a decision is killing me.

Anyone heard anything yet? I know admission letters have been sent out to a couple of people.

@KingDragonSlayer I thought only freshman were hearing back? I could be wrong. I’m dying to know. But I’ve only heard of freshman getting decisions, so I figured next week the transfers would hear back? I could be wrong.

Freshman definitely have heard back, I know people that got accepted/denied a month ago.

If you read last years transfer thread it doesn’t look good we will know anytime soon. On the thread people applying for engineering heard back in may… with early decision… not sure if that is the norm but it happened last year. I really hope not I need to know so bad lol.

Since they stopped doing rolling admissions, they split the transfer students up. Priority decision and regular. So, it depends on when you applied. If you look on their website, priority decision will hear back by the end of March. I figured priority would hear back within the next week or two since the regular decision freshmen are hearing back now. I could be wrong, but I don’t think priority will hear back in May.

@Nayven I hope not, I was just saying what people said on last years transfer thread. I’m going to die if I don’t hear back within the next 2 weeks lol

We are definitely going to hear back sometime between now and March 31st. I had friends who applied for fall 2016 when the deadline was “end of April” and majority of them heard back on the last Friday of April at around 5:00 / 6:00 PM. I had one friend who heard the second to last Friday of April. So from what I observed last year, they maybe will send out decisions on the last 2 Friday’s of this month??

I think there is a strong possibility that some of us will hear back this Friday, and the rest of us will hear back Friday the 31st!!

I hope so! I applied in September and it has gone by so slow. I really hope it is this Friday (and I hope we all hear good news haha).

I really do hope we here back Friday! I applied back in December, the anticipation is killing me slowly lol

I feel like we have a good chance of being admitted because they extended the regular decision fall transfer deadline which probably means that there wasn’t as many applications this year.

@erlolo Yeah, hopefully, that is the case. Tbh the only thing I am worried about my chances is my cumulative GPA atm, even though I am in spring semester right now too.

Transfer applicants can appeal their decision if denied right? I’m a freshman and I currently have a 3.47 GPA with 14 credits but my Spring semester is looking at a 4.0 GPA with 18 credits.

@KingDragonSlayer I am pretty sure you can appeal, But at least they know you have more credits to send to them ahead of time. Because they require 24 credits to apply or something I think.

Does anyone know if they post something on Twitter about when decisions start to go out?

@SconBrother16 last year I think they mentioned it, but last week when the freshman got their decisions, they didn’t post much. They told someone congrats, and told someone else to keep checking, but that’s it. So I’m not sure if they’d post something to give us a headsup ahead of time until decisions are officially sent.

Anyone know which majors they usually announce first? And which twitter would they maybe post on, @UWAdmissions?