UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

Can I still get in if I don’t have my transfer evaluations up???

@ku Madison requires international students taking ESLAT (English as the Second Language Assessment Test) even they already finished courses that deemed equivalent to Comm A. Thus you have to take that test first and they only grant your credit if your score tests into or places out of ESL 118, which fulfills Comm A.

@Pepe95 thanks a lot! Wish I could get a decision tomorrow night.

Did anyone’s SOAR disappear?

yeah mine is gone. Do you have your evaluations up? I do not :confused:

My SOAR is gone and I also have my evaluations. I think that may be because the link was malfunctioning for everybody, even admitted students. They said that they’ll have it fixed in May.

hmm okay. does no evaluations probably mean its a no from the Mad town?

@Godave34 I am a priority decision transfer that was deferred and I did not receive a transfer evaluation. My decision letter states I will receive an email mid May regarding how to submit my final semester grades.

@bigbadgerbro yup my evaluations just came up today

@UWprincess In your madison account online, are you able to view the the catalog of classes you can enroll in for the fall?

did anyone who received a credit evaluation get an email about it as well?

i still don’t have an evaluation. Probably means I’m rejected :confused:

@emmav8 Yes, I am able to access the course catalog from my UW student center.

is course catalog and course guide the same? the one you access from the myuw page? i can access it but i have no evals to display. don’t know what’ll happen

Everyone that got evaluations, what year are you going to be?

I’ll become junior next semester

last night I was able to view my evaluation and it states that I must maintain my gpa and classes or my admission may be cancelled, so I’m assuming that means I am accepted, still nervous for tonight though! (also I’ll be a sophomore next semester) :slight_smile:

@caelwaertsa are you from in state or out of state

@emmav8 I’m from in state, and currently attending UW - La Crosse

Honestly really confused about the course evaluation. I am out of state student, but international student. I have the evaluation and ask me to better submit sylllybus of soe courses to the admission office. Does the evaluation really means admission? Weekend now, going to have such a long nervous weekend…:frowning: