UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

Does anyone’s intended program read “General Course- BA degree”? Is this because I’ll be transferring in as a sophmore and don’t need to declare my major yet? I’m a psych major btw

Thanks! @WIgirl95

i logged into the portal and i found my decision there but i never get an email (i checked junk too) so weird. no FA yet.

or… does somebody have their FA up?

@somehmonggirl perrrrffffffffff. Where else has everyone received decisions from?

@somehmonggirl no FA yet, I just called but realized the department was closed.

@mlyred same. I applied to business and it’s like that. I have no idea

actually lol… i just checked my other email and i guess it went to that one and not my main one. :stuck_out_tongue:

@ku are you transfering in as a sophmore? And did you receive any email on admissions? So far I’ve only receive notifications on my uw page

I was deferred and never received a “course evaluation”. So for the record that is not a sign of complete denial for anyone wondering. My stats…

Iowa State University applying to be a sophomore

GPA: 3.93 first semester 12 credits with 15 in progress
Applied to letters and science as open option

I was accepted into the Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences Program in the College of Letters and Science!

@ku you’re admitted to the university as a whole. Business school requires a separate application accompanied with the general application called pre- business application. Did you apply ??? Cuz the deadline for that application is over right now.

@WIgirl95 what year are you? Did you also make application to the school of education? Or are you referring to the school of education as your intended major?

@Pepe95 holy… I didn’t even know. Then, when can I decide my major besides business?

just out of curiosity, how come you guys are choosing uw-madison over the u of minnesota-tc?

@ku you can declare any majors in college of letter and science as long as you meet the requirement for each of them. If you still want to major in business, you may want to look for the requirement for business school (12 credits in-residence in Madison, Comm A, Cal 1, Micro Econ, and Intro to Psy) and wait until spring to apply (they only open the application once a year at spring and only 9-10 day long so don’t miss it).

Here is the link : https://wsb.wisc.edu/programs-degrees/undergraduate-bba/admissions#admissions-path-1-reveal
Follow the path that’s appropriate for you.

@Pepe95 yeah, that was the key. Since I transfer from Chicago, I don’t have any credits in-residence in madison. Either way I couldn’t apply for it. Except Psy, I already took every classes of requirements. So maybe I will take 12 more credits in madison, and then re-apply it. Thank you.

@skyflower17 I’m actually transferring from UM-TC. I really enjoy it here and it’s a very good school, they just don’t have a meteorology program and that is what I’m looking to do

@AOSHopefulBadger would you say UM-TC is full of academic students? I’m deciding whether to go there or not and choosing between umn and uw-madison. I want to go to a school that’s more academic. also, was the u of m easy to get a good gpa?

@UWprincess I graduated last May with an Associates Degree and have been out of school for a year working. My letter said I was admitted to the School of Education but I know that just means it’s my intended major or whatever.