UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

@skyflower17 I’d say that the college that you choose comes down to your personal preference. There are academic students at UM-TC, as well as students that party, which I’m sure is the same for Madison. No matter which college you choose will be what you make of it. If you want to seek out academic students to help push you in your studies, that will be very possible at each school. As for the good GPA, it really depends on your major, and I’m sure it’s similar at Madison. You definitely need to put in the time to study, but there are resources at each school to help you succeed. My best advice would be to look at the national ranking of your major at each school, tour each (if you haven’t already), and choose whichever university feels like it’d be the best fit for you personally. If you have the desire to succeed and to excel in your studies, there will be many opportunities to do so at each university

I was deferred a while back at the early decision transfer deadline. In my letter it says I am able to update my application with any other information. When I went back to look at my application there was no way I could find to change anything in it. How do I update it and would I have to pay the $60 again to do so?

@Swope20 perhaps emailing it to the transfer admissions email?

@somehmonggirl I was in contact with a counselor and they said to email the admissions office with information you wanted updated.

Today I got all of my grades submitted and ended with a 3.735 GPA this semester with 17 credits. Last semester I had a 3.58 with 18 credits. Do I have a good chance of being accepted? Is there a good chance of hearing back before the end of June? I was deferred as a fall priority decision and need to know very soon so I can decide on housing. I was told they wanted to see consistency from myself in my grades and I not only showed that I can do it consistently but did better even with harder classes. I have heard in past some students have gone from a 3.6 to a 3.9 as transfer differed and still not accepted so I am a bit worried that it doesn’t matter how I did and that once they fill their quota they won’t consider me anymore.

@Swope20 My situation is similar to yours as I was deferred and have been waiting to receive a decision from admissions. I think there is a fairly good chance of hearing back earlier than the end of June! It most likely depends on when our grades were submitted and assuming that you did that, hopefully we’ll hear back in the next coming weeks. I was looking at a different thread from last year or 2 years ago and those that were deferred were hearing back as soon as June 7-8th.

Now this may not be a direct indicator of granted admission, but those that were admitted saw their “credit evaluations” disappear and later received a credit evaluation. Others saw that their financial aid changed from “there is no financial aid information found”. I believe that the change in course evaluation indicates admission, but not too sure about the financial aid. Has anyone seen any changes in their UW Portal? When talking with a counselor, they said that all decisions will come out at the same time. Hopefully we hear back soon because the wait is killing me!

Hi guys, I am from the UK and have an offer to transfer to UW Madison in the college of letter and Science? Just wondering are their any transfer offer applicants out their or any from the UK or US?

@JU4861 My credit evaluations has disappeared but did so before I even submitted my grades for spring semester so I do not believe it means you were accepted but it did happen recently. My financial information still says “there is no financial aid information found”.

@Swope20 Never realized that before. I just started checking that after reading it in a previous thread. I guess all we can do now is wait but if you see anything change, please post. Ill do the same as well

I submitted grades yesterday and my Transfer Credit no evaluations to display disappeared today.

I submitted my grades on 5/24 and i have just received a credit evaluation.

I have a transfer credit evaluation too

@UWprincess @badger989 I haven’t received one yet… Can I ask what your stats were?

@badger989 I just finished my freshman year at a private college and have 40 credits and a 3.75 college gpa. My major is special education. I am a WI resident.

I have 29 credits with a 4.0. I didn’t do nearly as well in high school though. I had a 22 ACT and a 2.5 GPA.

@badger989 My essays, recommendations, and extra curriculars were very strong and related to my major. I’m not sure how much high school information is weighed.

@UWprincess I feel very confident with my essays. One focused on how my high school years are not an accurate reflection of my academic ability, and the other was related to my major. I also spent 5 years in the military. I’m not sure how much weight that carries. I am cautiously optimistic at the moment. I’m also oos. Good luck to you!

@badger989 First, thank you for serving this great country. IMO your military experience should be impressive to admissions as it indicates maturity and discipline. In my deferment letter, admissions states a decision will be received by the end of June. Of course, we all want to hear back sooner, but try to keep yourself busy as this certainly is out of our control. Best of Luck to you and everyone waiting!

@badger989 @UWprincess I am pretty certain that is a sign that you both have been accepted. Its seemed that everyone who was eventually accepted received a credit evaluation first. Just think about it, why would they go through evaluating your credits if they are not going to accept you

I also received my credit evaluation. I know at the priority decision deadline a similar thing happened where everyone accepted received their credit evaluation and an letter of acceptance at the end of the week on Friday around 7pm. Those who didn’t like myself were either declined or differed. We may not hear officially until next week though as most received their evals early in the week and we did not until today so there still is time left to gets yours. At the first deadline for announcements people received theirs at different times in the week so if you did not receive yours there is still a chance to receive one.

I was accepted.