***UW-Madison Fall 2018 Transfer Thread***

okay just wondering if they’re sending them out in order of received, which it seems like they are :expressionless:

@Badger2020_ I submitted the day before the priority deadline

@graves I got transfer credits evaluation also!!!

@Badger2020_ I haven’t received one and I applied for CALS

All my credits are transferable. And I submit application mid-January, but all materials were received at Feb 1st. Hope it helps.

Thanks for all the info folks, I submitted on January 29th so i’m assuming i’ll be one of the last to find out.

So a friend of mine called the admissions office. The lady on the phone said that she couldn’t reveal the release date . But to check soon over the next couple of days. I personally think they are going to release the decisions tonight. :-SS

Too bad I don’t have a transfer credit evaluation.

@Vincent1997 I think they are going to release decisions over the next two weekends. You just might be in the next group. Hang in there :-bd

@aklein02 I hope. Thanks for the reassurance. I applied for Illinois as well and a lot of people, except me, have been hearing back.

The thing is I have a 4.0 with 47 credits and a 4.0 on my mid-term report (16 credits) as well. Unfortunately, I only have a GED and I suppose you could call me a high-school dropout, if not pre-high-school dropout. Additionally, I have a suspension related to alcohol, in the one year of high-school that I did attend. Lastly I have one W from my first semester in college. I am just worried that those mistakes in my past are going to destroy all the things that I worked so hard for over the past few years.

On my credit eval it says this under important notes.

“–A HOLD has been placed on your enrollment for the coming term until we receive your
self-reported final grades. Prior to attending SOAR, use the student center located at
http://my.wisc.edu to report your final grades as posted to your student record
by your college or university. If you do not report your grades by your SOAR date, you
will not be able to enroll for classes. Failure to report your final grades accurately
will result in cancellation of your admission to UW-Madison.
–You must maintain current course enrollment and grades or your
admission may be cancelled.”

Is that there for everyone?

@cakesbake I know this doesn’t answer your questions, but what time did you get your evaluation, I’m wondering because I would imagine they’re rolling them out in order maybe ha?

@cakesbake I’m guessing everyone has that note, I have it myself as well.

@Badger2020_ I first saw it an hour ago, it was the first time i checked. @Shepherd35 Ok thanks!

@cakesbake did you apply for L&S?

@cakesbake I also have that note.

@badgers2325 yep

Not to put anymore work on anyone but does anyone know if people received evaluations at different times previously?

When I looked at last years thread, I saw that everyone received it during the day on/before decisions. According to that logic decisions would be today. Otherwise, I think it’s safe to assume that they changed the process.