***UW-Madison Fall 2018 Transfer Thread***

Never mind I was deferred as well hopefully thats ok?

@badgers2325 Seems like quite a few people got accepted, after being deferred, last year. Keep up your grades and I am sure you’ll do fine :slight_smile:

@badgers2325 Same. I guess we will find out in march sad because i just paid a security deposit on a house.

Accepted! 3 years (switched to comp sci)CC in Minnesota. 3.6ish gpa, phi theta kappa member, 72 credits.

Accepted, around 3.4 gpa, Out of State, 33 credits to be completed by the end of the year.
When should financial aid be available to view?

Accepted! [-O<

Deferred. Sophomore with 3.4 GPA, 24 ACT. Ain’t too worried though because I’m boutta snatch that 4.0 this semester :wink:

Do you by chance know of when your friend was notified about his acceptance post defferal?

My friend was denied. I’m really surprised and sad for them. Does it usually tell you why they deny you? I’m wondering if there’s a way to know why you’ve been denied. In case it’s due to missing a particular class requirement that they didn’t know about rather than GPA.

They have a GPA over 3.0 and over 70 credits from a different uw campus before dropping out and now enrolled at a local community college. Wisconsin resident. I’ll post an update when I get their exact stats.

Please post stats when posting whether you got accepted or denied. Just posting accepted without any other information doesn’t help anyone here.

@willtohelp I believe that you can call and inquire about the reason for the decision. What is their major? Probably the most likely reason is the decision is GPA. Most of the people on here that were accepted are well over a 3.5 GPA. Most of them are around 3.7-3.9.

Deferred as a freshman. I had a 4.0 first semester and a 3.7 in highschool, I think it’s because I didn’t have enough credits tbh

Does anyone still have this message under the admissions section in the Student Center? It’s got me a bit worried that there’s been a mistake somewhere down the line and my application is “lost.” I applied to the College of Letters and Science if that makes any difference.

“We have received your application and are reviewing your file to ensure we have all materials necessary to make a decision. Once we confirm receipt of required materials your application will proceed to a counselor for review.”

Well have all your items been received? Click “Application Material Status”

Yeah, my college transcript, high school transcript, application fee, and recommendation letter all have a “received” status next to them. Am I missing something?

I’d just call them on Monday. Previously they messed up my status as well and fixed it after I called.

@futurebadger18 Are you talking about my friend?

gbpack, do you have the minimum credits? The UW website says straight up that you need a minimum credit count to transfer… 24 credits right?

Thank you @Vincent1997 . I’m not sure, I think an LS major, probably chemistry. Knowing what they need to get accepted for Spring 2019 will be helpful, so they know whether to focus on that or if they should focus on getting into a different school.

Here’s an uncomplete list I made from skimming the posts in this thread, results with their name, status (accepted, deferred, denied, unknown), college gpa, and college credits completed:

cakes accepted, 3.6 gpa, 72 credits
YaBoi accepted, 3.4, 33c
aklein accepted, 3.9, 60c
polysci, accepted, 3.8, 49c
graves accepted, ???
djsf accepted, 3.7 44c
badgers?? def, 3.57, 60c
uwwstudent deffered, 3.4 or 3.77??, 50c
gbpack defer, 3.8, 31c
willtohelp’s friend: denied, unknown gpa, ~70 credits
vince unknown, 4.0, 47c
bbadger unknown, 3.6, 50c
futurebadger unkown, 4.0gpa, 38c
justman10 unkown, 3.6gpa, 16c
transfer287 unknown, 3.9,
npete unknown 3.63, 40 credits
mcke unknown, 3.55gpa, 40 credits

Sorry, the names are misspelled or abbreviated, and some of the numbers might be wrong. Just did this as a quick thing at 2am.

Hello all.
I am currently enrolled at Marquette University, as well as a Wisconsin resident. At the end of this semester I will have completed 32 credits. First semester I had a 3.6 gpa and 15 credits. My letters of recommendation were out of this world, with one from my political science professor, and the other from a campaign director that I do internship work for. I’m incredibly involved on campus, and as a first year student I am vice chair of one of our largest (political) student led orgs. My high school unweighted gpa was a 3.6 (not the best), but I made sure to make up for it in the essay portion. I’ve been deferred, and I’m absolutely terrified. This semester I’m looking at all A’s, with a potential C in an astronomy class. This will completely tank my gpa. Will a 3.4 ruin my chances of acceptance?

Deferred. They asked to see my spring term grades. I still don’t know how to feel about this!

Just be sure to finish strong, at your current institution, and submit your final grades as soon a possible. My daughter was a transfer and received her acceptance offer within 2 days after submitting her final grades. And the beauty of it all, she made the Dean’s List with a 3.75 her first semester at UW (current sophomore) and was recently admitted into her major/school.