***UW-Madison Fall 2018 Transfer Thread***

@UWprincess @Bbadger I was deferred too, from what I heard and looked back at recent threads I think this is a good thing I have yet to see someone get rejected after being deferred… from what other friends told me who got deferred was they want to see one last good gpa before accepting… so hang tight and finish off strong we got this!

I contacted UW about not receiving a decision. Specifically, I asked, if decisions were on a rolling basis. This is the response I got:

“Decisions are not released on a rolling basis. We only have one release date but due to the large number of decisions being released, our system releases in waves. If you have any additional questions or concerns feel free to contact us again.”

Just to let anyone know, who might have not heard back yet as well. (This applies only for priority admissions)

Considering I never received a transfer evaluation, this doesn’t exactly make me jump out of joy. Could it be that I was already rejected, but I simply haven’t received the decision?.. Has anyone been accepted without a transfer evaluation?

@Vincent1997 I found out my friend’s gpa was 3.5 . What do you all think the chances of being accepted with 3.5 transfer GPA are, with over 60 credits from an other UW campus? Probably possible but unlikely? Like a 30% chance maybe?

I don’t know if this info will help someone, but I got admitted as a transfer student with a 3.3 GPA and 34 ACT.

@willtohelp what was their major? I’d say for business its very unlikely, but for something less competitive it might be 20-40% chance depending on the workload and circumstances.

Deferred. Freshman at Madison College, 16 credits 3.75 first semester, academic year will include 30 credits total. 25 ACT. From what I’ve been told mostly all one year transfers are deferred unless outstanding high school gpa and test scores. Just a pain in the ass for housing…

@Wisco1997 have you heard the likelihood of getting accepted after being deferred? And yeah it’s screws people over for housing big time haha

Dorms have mainly freshmen as most choose to move to apartments after freshman year, although some sophomores do live in the dorms (especially if parents want them to). There is a transfer house- check out Res Halls for info.

Hey guys, do you think my logic makes sense? UW said that they do make all the decisions on the same day, but release those decisions in waves. One thing that didn’t make sense to me is why they would make you wait, if you’re being rejected anyways. I was thinking that perhaps they simply are slower with assigning transfer credit than making a decision. As a result, they only release the decision, once transfer credit is assigned. I just don’t see how they would benefit from making rejected students wait for their decision. So in other words I hope that not having received a decision simply means that they’re figuring out my credits, before notifying me of the acceptance?

Can someone chance me? Also, GL ALL.

Ethnicity: Caucasian (international student from Turkey)
Major: Business Administration concentrating in Finance
College GPA: 3.78
Credits: 60
HS GPA: 3.85
SAT: Never took it. Also, not required
TOEFL: Waived
LoR: Total 2. One from writing and one from theatre professor. Both know me well.
Essays: Decent essays.

College ECs:

  • Member of Turkish-American Association
  • Member of Investment Club
  • Member of Honor Society Club
  • Have done some interns in Turkey
  • Working part-time on campus

High School EC/Awards (not all, just ones I’m including)

  • Couple community works
  • Done abroad community work
  • Some clubs in HS

I’m pretty certain “deferred” means that your current submitted grades are at the level they want. But with limited credits, they want to see continued success. In my case, i submitted 14 credits, 3.75 gpa. With another 16 in progress. If I maintain a similar level gpa, there will be no doubt of admission.

I recently found out that I was deferred as a transfer student to UW Madison. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar scenario and can tell me about it. I am currently a freshman at Edgewood college in Madison WI. My first semester I went to UW-La Crosse and finished with a 3.53 GPA. I transferred in order to be in Madison and my dream school has always been UW. After finding out I was deferred for next fall semester transfer at UW Madison I was curious as to why. I’ve heard that since UW Madison requires 24 credits to transfer, that they defer any people until they can show proof of having completed those 24 credits. Is there any truth to that? I also was wondering my chances are of being accepted after being deferred. My first semester GPA as already stated was a 3.53 at UW-La Crosse and I expect for my second semester GPA at Edgewood College to be 3.4 or above. My high school GPA was a 3.7 and I was involved in tons of extracurriculars. In my UW Madison transfer application I submitted only one recommendation letter but it was from a notable Biology Professor. My Major is Biology and I am Pre-PA. In college I am involved in a medical club, volunteered at a health center first semester, and now work as a Biology Tutor. My courses first semester were Music Appreciation, Bio, CST, Environmental Studies, and College Algebra. Second semester they are Chemistry, English, Nutrition, Philosophy, and Statistics. Once again, if you have any idea of my chances or as to why I was deferred I would greatly appreciate some feedback.

@willtohelp I was admitted with a 3.6 GPA as a transfer. I also know many people mid 3.2 range who were accepted. A 3.5 is considered fine! Also if it counts for anything I got a 19 on my ACT in high school, not high at all and I don’t think it was considered on my transfer app.

@Badgers7777 I tried to transfer my freshman year into Madison as well! I had great grades and a lot of extracurriculars but was denied. This year I tried again and I was admitted with a little of a higher GPA of a 3.66 and 3 letters of rec, compared to the 1 I had when applying freshman year. I honestly think you will get in as soon as you send in your second-semester grades, they just want to see if you can finish the year out strong. Don’t sweat it too much and do your best- you’ll be fine!

@Vincent1997 I was accepted but do not have a transfer eval yet, stay hopeful!

UW’s requirement is a minimum of 24 “transferable” credits, not necessarily the same as a student earning 24 credits from their previous institution(s). And 24 credits would only be 12 credits per semester and this doesn’t necessarily demonstrate rigor or if the student can handle a heavier load. If you have lower high school stats, they want to see your final grades to ensure you can be successful at UW. And for the people worried about housing, dorms might be harder to secure, but there will be plenty of apartments or people looking for roommates even up to when the school year begins.

So basically, you’ll have a higher chance with more credits because it distances your college academic record from your highschool record. I have 50 credits completed with 14 credits in progress. I’m currently a Sophomore at UWW finishing my spring semester. I would definitely recommend taking as many credits as possible if you have a “bad” highschool record because I had a 19 ACT and 3.2 in highschool.

This is my college record so far (Credit and GPA)
Freshman Year:
Fall: 17 creds, GPA: 3.44
Spr: 18 creds, GPA: 4.0
Retook ACT in April 2017: 24

Sophomore Year:
Fall: 15 creds, GPA: 2.77 (I went through a phase lol)
Spr: 14 creds, GPA: TBD (most likely around 3.8)

Deferred Decision (probably because of the 2.77) from UW-Madison

Don’t forget to get involved at your current institution too. I’m pretty sure they like to see that you didn’t just sit on ya booty and do homework all the time.

For those who chimmed in on deffered students, so the department isn’t looking for some amazing change just keeping the same pace or doing better gets you in?

Thanks a lot @wi5145 ! I really hope 3.5 is normally enough, so they can get in for the spring semester admissions.

Interesting if it’s true that deferred means they want just the same progress and you’re certain if you continue. Why wouldn’t they do it like some other schools where they admit you under the requirement that you get such and such grades for your current semester? Instead of deferring you. Schools just vary though I guess… CA schools do it that way, where waitlisted students are on edge depending on how many enrolls they get. I’m seeing so many deferrals here that it makes sense that they’re just wanting the same progress. I’m just poorly speculating though.