UW Madison Spring 2019 Transfer Thread

@buckybuddy21 I applied in August. I don’t think it means anything bad if it’s still there. There were some from last years thread that didn’t go away and they still got in. If it’s not gone now, it should go away in the next week or so.

The first wave is probably coming out exactly next week

Mine finally disappeared too! Hoping that’s a good sign we will hear soon. (I applied late September)

Mine has also disappeared and I applied in mid-late August. I was wondering what it means that it has disappeared? It is a good thing?

@Hopefulbadger01 From what I saw of last years thread, it should mean that a decision has been or will be made in about a week or so. I hope we all get good news!

@amazonian62 That’s good to know, thank you!

I recently know that a lot of my friends, transferred from china, have offers already. It seems that it is true, international students will receive offers earlier. Ours may come out next Friday, waiting so long!!

My “no evaluations to display” has finally disappeared. I’m just hoping that this is actually a good sign.

Mine disappeared too!!!

How confident are you guys that we will hear back this Friday? Also, do we all hear back on the same date? The whole “rolling vs not” is really confusing me

Looking at last year’s thread, it seems very likely that we will hear back this Friday

So will everyone who applied hear back this Friday or only students who are admitted? The whole idea of a first and second wave confuses me

@buckybuddy21 We should be hearing back by Friday. I believe that the first wave of admission letters includes transfer students for the spring and those that applied for early decision for the fall. The second wave should include those that applied for the fall regular decision. Hope this helped!

@amazonian62 yes it did, thank you! Also for anyone reading this, how likely do you think it is to get in without having your “no evaluations to display” disappear? I am confident in my gpa and test scores, but mine has not gone away yet and I applied in early August and had everything submitted by then, except my second letter of rec which I submitted in late September

@buckybuddy21 I’ve been wondering the same thing. My “no evaluations to display” disappeared, but I’m not even sure if it actually means anything. When I was looking at last year’s thread, people were saying that it’s a good sign if it disappears, but you’re not automatically rejected if it doesn’t disappear.

The people who were accepted last year saw some changes in their “My academics” page the day before everyone heard back. A “Transfer Credit” tab popped up (above “Placement Test Scores”) sometime after 5 pm. If we see these changes we then know for sure that we’ll hear back tomorrow.

I just got the transfer credit thing.

I got the transfer credit thing too.

I got the transfer credit thing too

I have it too!!!