<p>I just wanted to make a separate thread because the Autumn 2014 thread is very confusing since summer transfers post in there as well.</p>
<p>For those of you who have applied for Summer quarter, I would appreciate it if you would post here instead specifically UW Seattle</p>
<p>I am still waiting to hear back, when do you guys think the next batch for summer will be sent out? I would assume those would be sent out very fast since the quarter starts so soon but it's UW so I never know what to expect.</p>
<p>Anyways, I wish everyone the best!!</p>
<p>Glad someone started a thread on this! I guess there are not many of us summer transfers. The wait is agonizing!! On the UW website it says notification is May-June. AHHH I need to know now! It’s worse for me because I’m currently at UW-Tacoma so I don’t have the option of checking early by seeing if my transcript loaded because it is already there since I am a UW-T student! </p>
<p>@ JSS0128, ditto! I’m a UWT student as well!
<p>Hopefully the next batch is coming out sometime this week. O: Moooost definitely would prefer tomorrow at the earliest but no promises. x) </p>
<p>I’m still a freshman so it’s not a huge deal if I’m rejected anyways. x) </p>
<p>Best of luck to you guys! :)</p>
<p>Glad someone start a new thread!
Im still waiting for the letter too 
the wait is taking wayyy to long</p>
<p>So far I haven’t heard of any summer transfers hearing back on this forum. I called but they offered no information other than what is posted online. </p>
<p>They don’t offer the major I want at UW-T. If I don’t get in I don’t know what I will do.</p>
<p>I haven’t either! O: </p>
<p>Does the Bothell campus have your major? O:</p>
<p>Oh and no luck today either. x’D</p>
<p>Do you guys think we will hear in June? I just feel like that is so late when the quarter starts on June 23rd ugh</p>
<p>I heard from past accepted person that late notification actually means they don’t wanna reject u right away that they wanna keep ur transcript as long as they can… So it’s actually not completely a bad news u don’t hear anything yet…</p>
<p>3 days ago they said my application was in the late stage of review and that they would mail out decisions shortly. Sadly my transcript has not changed in that time
<p>@Queen Hmmm, unfortunately, I do imagine that some Summer Transfer students will hear back in June because of the indicated “May-June” Notification period on the UW site. O: </p>
<p>@amy Hahaha, well that’s a bit reassuring. ^^</p>
<p>@JS Oooh, you called in?
My transcript hasn’t changed either. x)</p>
<p>I don’t know if this is relevant, but I checked my unofficial transcript (I’m a UWT student so the trick doesnt work for me) and my birth year was replaced with X’s. ahahaha x’D </p>
<p>@egadsyo mine too! I didn’t know if that meant anything because I couldn’t remember if those xx’s where there before or not</p>
<p>ahahahaha odd! Maybe that’s a sign of progress. x) The XX’s weren’t there before on mine :)</p>
<p>Hello all, I am also a summer applicant!
I am still waiting to hear back form UWS, and the waiting game is definitely agonizing. I am trying to not think about it as much as I can! But as it’s getting into mid May, I’m becoming more nervous!
I can’t do the unofficial transcript trick either since I used to be a UW Bothell student and I already have a UW Transcript. </p>
<p>I have an XX too on my transcript since about two days ago! Hmmm… hope this means something good?</p>
<p>Let’s connect here! And good luck to me and everyone else!</p>
<p>Yeah, checking for the unofficial everyday is becoming quite discouraging. :/</p>
<p>I notice that whenever I check my transcript, it’s like I only get one updated one per day. Like the first time I check in the morning, that’s the time that will stay fixed on the transcript until the next day. Not sure if it use to do that before…</p>
<p>@EgadsYo I’m not sure if it’s a major sign, but mine says the “XX” for my birth year as well. I was accepted to UW Seattle a week ago as a transfer. Originally, it had my birth year, then it was replaced by the x’s shortly after I got the letter in the mail. I hope this is a good sign for you! </p>
<p>Do you think there are still more batches out there or just rejection letters now?</p>
<p>Ooh that makes me feel hopeful that your birth year changed to XX after you got accepted!
Does anyone’s message change on the front page of MyUW? Mine still says “We have received undergraduate admission application(s) for one or more UW campuses and/or programs below. To view your application information, click on the appropriate link.” I read that some people see “We have reviewed…” </p>