Vanderbilt Waitlist 2027

Yeah, I’m pretty sure last year I saw the first wave was 5/2 so I’m thinking likely tomorrow. Good luck!

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Actually, I double checked last year’s thread and first wave was 5/3 so maybe more likely tomorrow.

I also checked that, but it seems as though it has always been on a Friday, Monday, or Tuesday (usually Tuesday). So I am hopeful that it’s today!

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Any news?

Nothing yet

I didn’t hear anything from them but I heard a friend of my friend got off the waitlist this morning.

Do you know which school?

Also were they Questbridge?

Weird. I haven’t seen anyone on Reddit or anywhere else get off the waitlist except for Ziyan’s friend. Maybe there hasn’t been a wave sent out yet since in previous years, emails were sent out in the evening around 6:00-8:00 pm EST. Additionally, I recently emailed my AO and i got an automatic email saying that they would be out of office until May 3rd so perhaps tomorrow is when it’ll come out? Just speculating here.

Yeah there’s no way the wave is over. They admitted 1,000 less people this year than last year I believe.

I don’t think it’s Questbridge. I’m not so sure, but they might took one or two people? Usually it’s May 3rd I guess.

That’s what I’m thinking. I do remember hearing they admitted less this year. It must be tomorrow then since last year the first wave went out on May 3rd.

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Perhaps they took a few for niche spots?


What state?

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Any new updates?

None yet so far that I know of.

Nope. Firmly confident it’s today though.

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Nothing unfortunately :frowning:

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should we keep refreshing email or application portal?