Vanderbilt Waitlist 2027

Patience right…they are probably deliberating over the numbers. If they took 181 kids off last year and this year, we have no idea, it could be less, least 8%, and you are competing with the entire U.S. and perhaps International. Seems like a lottery system at this point especially if admitted students do not respond and post acceptances.

They took 221 off last year (Fall 2022) and 181 off for Fall 2021. They do not publish how many are on the waitlist, but I suspect it’s quite a lot (around 4k the one year they did publish.) Who knows how many they will offer this year, it depends on what their yield was. They use the waitlist to fill in holes in their class, so it all depends on if you fit the hole left by someone else who was offered admission and didn’t accept. I feel like after the first wave that happened the chance of getting in is pretty low.

Anybody heard from them yet?

No…Maybe tomorrow

Has anyone heard of someone from engineering getting accepted off of the waitlist yet?

I’m engineering and haven’t heard yet

I mailed them asking about whether there might be movement for the Engineering College and when we could maybe expect the next wave of decisions. They just said that it would be rolling over the next few weeks.

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My AO said the same.

I wonder if A&S is now rolling as well? Is that worse than waves?

i don’t think colleges like to use the term “waves” and just use “rolling” instead. i could be wrong though just something i’ve noticed

Any news?

I may be wrong but I feel like the admissions officers in the Q&A session actually called them waves.

Today is definitely the day.

omg how do you know?

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That’s just your guess…

OPTIMISTIC GUESS lol I’m not trying to scare people

In the Q and A it was called waves but it seems not much action is occurring these days or no one posts. It is Thursday May 18th and very depressing to think spots are open for A&S.

Kinda frustrating there has been no news even for engineering. I’m hoping for something Tomorrow

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Wishing you all luck! Lets hope Happy Friday

are there any reddits or forums where people have gotten in that we just don’t know about?