Vanderbilt Waitlist 2027

like 2 weeks ago

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mid april


Don’t be worried, I sent mine in a few days ago because I’ve been going through some things (which I mentioned in my loci). Its better late than never!

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did you keep it to one page or make it more than one page?

okay same! thank you so much!!

Mine was a full page.


I saw some sources say that it was best to send it in ASAP and others that said it’s better to wait, so I think you’re fine


kids will be looking at this thread next year sorting through all our anxiety trying to get to the first acceptance notice lol

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Watch like they already sent out WLs and the people just aren’t on here lol

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that’s exactly my fear lol

fr like I’m scared thats the reason why I’m not seeing anyone get off the waitlist :sob:

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stop :sob:

i love how waitlist locis dont always have official due dates, how we don’t know when the decisions come out, and how the whole college process drags on and on. its so fun!!!


I want to know how these colleges can release on like May 2nd when commitment is May 1st. Do they even read LOCIs you think???


where are u guys committed to rn

but what are the chances that nobody here or on reddit says anything?

there has to be some correlation between waitlist students and high blood pressure later in life

So extremely low

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they definitely have a running list going before commitment day so that when may 1 passes, they can look at how many slots they have left, what they have to fill, and then just pick off


probably not? at least maybe not every loci, just if theyre looking at pools for specific majors??? idk