Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>I have the hokie bird on my application summary page now too!!! I know a lot of you are wondering what my stats are so I’ll just copy what I have posted on the first page. </p>

<p>I just finished my application and sent my transcripts yesterday. I graduated high school in 2011 with a 3.1 GPA and with a 1260 SAT (18xx combined score). I am currently studying biology at ODU and finished my first semester with a 4.0 gpa. Here was my class load for last semester:
General Biology with lab - 4 credits
General Chemistry with lab - 4 credits
Public Speaking - 3 credits
PreCalculus - 3 credits</p>

<p>I’m not a very strong writer so I’m not going to assume that my essays are good. But other than that I’m applying for Biology at Tech and I’m not really sure what my chances are of getting in. I’ll try to keep people posted as to whether I get in or not. </p>

<p>Hope all of you waiting find out soon, good luck!</p>

<p>Do you know when your page was updated? I’m beginning to get nervous. I got a 3.5 gpa first semester and have applied for Ag Science. I got:
General Biology: A
General Biology Lab: B
College Algebra:B
COAD: A</p>

<p>I also have applied as an Army ROTC applicant and am in several clubs/organizations. I am a second semester freshman at East Carolina University.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m losing hope :frowning:
They just got my updated transcripts on 03/13. (since my military credit was added) but still. No hokie bird for me either.</p>

<p>I havent necessarily lost hope because they’re obviously going to accept those with 4.0s first. I feel as if I will get in because a 3.5 is pretty good first semester and because of my involvement within the school but the wait kills me. I applied last year too (early decision) and was rolled over into regular decision, then waitlisted, and then denied. They told me they only took kids off of the college of natural resources waitlist last year. But, I only had a 3.3 gpa in high school so I think a 3.5 will do</p>

<p>Yeah, well I only had a 3.25 my first semester. I was kind of hoping my Army experience and being a first generation student would give me an edge, at least.</p>

<p>I think it will. Don’t lose hope. It seems to me that they are accepting the highest gpas first. If we don’t get in this wave I expect to hear next time. I talked to the head of the Ag Science Dept. and he said a 3.3 gpa is good. So I think anything close to or around a 3.3 with the right courses taken would be enough. It all just depends on the difficulty of the classes you’ve taken combined with your gpa. For example, if you took all art classes and a few cores and got a 3.75 they would probably take the person who took sciences and maths and got a 3.0 instead. That’s my thinking</p>

<p>I’m not sure how my classes taken would appear to an admissions officer. Can I have your insight?.:/</p>

<p>First Semester:
World Civilization II</p>

<p>Current Semester:
-Anatomy & Physiology
-Developmental Psychology
-Computer Concepts
-Developmental Chemistry (non-credit course. I didnt take Chem in high school)</p>

<p>*oh and Drawing I on my first semester</p>

<p>jordanne i’m in the same boat don’t even worry about it. My first semester wasn’t very strong courses and I’m applying to Pamplin</p>

<p>1st Semester - 3.69 GPA</p>

<p>Calc - W
Art History- A
Univ 101 - A
English 102 - A
Comp Science - B</p>

<p>2nd Semester
Buisness Manegment
Intro to pyscology
Speech </p>

<p>They did say we would hear back from vt around May 1st… so there is plenty of time left.</p>

<p><em>Sigh</em> This is just all very depressing. haha.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what the core classes are for your major so its hard for me to tell. All I know is that you had to take the core classes, which for Ag Science they’d be like Biology, English, and Math. For Biology it’d probably be Biology, Chem, Math, English</p>

<p>I applied as a human development major</p>

<p>Yea the guy that I talked to said that as long as you took classes 1st semester or taking classes 2nd semester and correlate with your major you should be ok.</p>

<p>They want you to arrive at tech and be mostly on track without having to take a whole bunch of classes to get back on course.</p>

<p>As a freshman it’s mostly the core classes, ie: english/math/science/liberal arts/fine arts etc…</p>

<p>No hokie bird for me either… :(</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure they do it in order of majors…Engineering, Biology, Business probably being first.</p>

<p>I dont think they are taking the highest GPA first, because I feel like I have good stats but I dont have a hokie bird.
Current School: George Mason
High School GPA: 3.8
College GPA: 3.98
SAT- Math 800 Reading 570
I was also wait listed in high school.
But I am applying to engineering so it might be different for me</p>

<p>3.85 high school
3.81 college through 3 semesters.
Haven’t heard either. I think it’s Instate first and internationals</p>

<p>I have no idea whats going on lol. I would like to think they are doing it by major or college but who knows.</p>

<p>It’s not by highest gpa, because mine is a 3.2, and I applied to psychology, so idk about major order. I’m also not in-state or international lol. I think it may have to do with when the application was submitted; the earlier the submission, the earlier the wave.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s about when the application was submitted. Mine was complete around mid January and I haven’t heard back anything yet.</p>

<p>I just submitted my midterm transcripts from NOVA CC today. So hopefully by Monday or Tuesday they’ll have looked over my stuff. I don’t think I’ll make the next wave of applications though…</p>