Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Did the lady you talked to say that the next wave of acceptances would be sent out the week of March 23?</p>

<p>That was a reponse to Chelsea’s post, btw.</p>

<p>you can also include a resume with your application</p>

<p>Yes! She said the next wave was around the 23rd , she was really mean about it. I hate calling because they’re so rude. I know they have a lot of calls but sheesh.</p>

<p>I also was told the same thing. I asked through the vt admissions office on FB and the lady told me the next round would be the end of March. I am from a CC but my application was put on hold until i sent in my midsemester grades. I still haven’t seen the hokie bird either for those of you who also have not! I check my application status every day hoping for something but, no change yet! Hopefully we all find out soon.</p>

<p>Chelsea, sorry to hear about your experiences with the Admissons Board as I have had the same type of encounters. You would think we were asking them to explain something so complex with the way some of them respond to what really are such simple questions. I asked about a Recommendation Letter and if they accepted them because they didn’t say anything about them on their transfer website and the lady made me feel like such a nuisance. Oh well, I understand they’re stressed and probably overwhelmed with calls and apps but that’s no excuse to be rude.</p>

<p>Let’s all hope March 23 comes quickly and we receive good news! Good luck to you all</p>

<p>Haha well we are all in the same boat.</p>

<p>I check my vt application every day.</p>

<p>Haven’t checked my JMU one since I have submitted it… awkward haha</p>

<p>So if the next wave is going to be around March 23, that’s when they actually send out the acceptance letters, correct? If that’s the case, wouldn’t they update our application status page with the Hokie Bird first being that in the past, people have said they received the Hokie Bird days in advance of actually receiving their Acceptance Letter? Supposedly the Hokie Bird hints only that they have started evaluating your transfer credits, although everybody that has ever gotten the Bird has been accepted. So by that logic, some people should be getting their Hokie Birds within the next week, correct?</p>

<p>Does this seem right or am I totally off base?</p>

<p>VTtransfer…I received the hokiebird on 2/24, and then received the acceptance letter on 3/1. I saw that the mail was postmarked on 2/28. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>Check your apps guys, I got the Hokie Bird today! I’m from a 4-year OoS university.</p>

<p>■■■… the wait continues.</p>

<p>Congratulations though!</p>

<p>I submitted my app on January 26, they got my college transcript on Feb. 28, so there are probably more waves coming. Maybe they hand out the birds over time, as well?</p>

<p>I’m from Puerto Rico (University of Puerto Rico) and my college gpa is 3.2, but I explained on my application that it was due to a series of hospitalizations during my first year. Last semester I got a 4.0 as my health stabilized, and my HS gpa was over 4.0. I applied for psychology.</p>

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>I sent in my high school transcript (postmarked Feb. 9) and it still doesn’t appear on my application status page… Does it matter that its unofficial? I’m getting very nervous as to whether they received it or not and whether I sent it in too late. I’m applying into architecture, OoS.</p>

<p>I sent an unofficial copy of my HS transcript and it has been updated. If it doesn’t show up you gotta give them a call and let them know. If it doesn’t hurt, just send another copy to make sure. :)</p>

<p>Good to hear that someone else did the same thing as me. But I already did call them and told me to just wait.</p>

<p>Guys what does this mysterious hokie bird look like? I know thats a ridiculous question but I just can’t picture where it would even go on my application status page… Does it have any words under it or is it just a little bird?! Haha thanksss for any help</p>

<p>Gahhhh no hokie yet :frowning: congrats ForeignGrounds !</p>

<p>Thank you :)</p>

<p>The bird is pretty noticeable and goes right above the Application Summary. When you hover over it, it says “Hokie Bird”.</p>

<p>Here’s a screenshot: <a href=“http://i42.■■■■■■■.com/2z4icmb.png[/url]”>http://i42.■■■■■■■.com/2z4icmb.png&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thank you so much! that was so helpful :slight_smile: congrats btw</p>