Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>yeah. I’m pretty sure if you’re ROTC you’re a cadet also. My cousin is currently a freshman in air force rotc so he could be my boss when i get there lol and his roomate is army. so they’re going to give me hell i’m sure</p>

<p>i got the bird today.</p>

<p>I have a 3.81 GPA after 56 credits at a 4 year Oos. Last semester was a 4.0 GPA.</p>

<p>My HS GPA was a 3.85 and I applied to Pamplin for Finance. </p>

<p>I am from Massachusetts coming from Isenberg School of Management.</p>

<p>My application was complete 02/07</p>

<p>Hi I just joined this site in order to track the decision process for the Transfers of Virginia Tech for the Fall Semester of 2012. Can you guys chance me? I’m applying to the engineering program at VTech.</p>

<p>Second Semester Freshmen at York College of Pennsylvania
3.84 GPA studying Mechanical Engineering
Current GPA as a second semester freshmen is 3.92 GPA.</p>

<p>All of my credits will transfer in accordance to the Mechanical Engineering program at Vtech.</p>

<p>Strong essay, and a very precise resume.
I know H.School grades don’t really matter at this point, but I went to a very advanced private Jesuit founded high school. </p>

<p>Sent all required materials in on 02/06.</p>

<p>I was told I will hear back around May 1st. As of right now, I don’t have a very interesting application status page…just Admission Term: Summer Session II 2012
Admission Type: Transfer Applicant. No hokie bird! ahh is that bad?</p>

<p>Thanks guys.</p>

<p>You seem like you should get in, but I know engineering is competitive so I’m not exactly sure…</p>

<p>As for “Admission Type: Transfer Applicant. No hokie bird!”… welcome to all of our lives right now. The next wave of hokie birds are “supposed” to be sent out this friday so keep checking, we have till May 1st till they accept or deny us anyways…</p>

<p>Am I the only one who DIDN’T send a resume with clubs/activities? I didn’t know they wanted it and now I’m freaking out I didn’t send it…</p>

<p>I didn’t send a resume either. It doesn’t ask for one anywhere so I’m pretty sure it won’t effect you either way.</p>

<p>Yeah, I didnt send one either.</p>

<p>Gahhh! I didn’t send in a resume either! And I wish they would just tell us all at once so we didnt have to sit and watch everyone get Hokies and worry -__- I so hope I get in this wave if I don’t I have to go through stressful scheduling at my current school next week ! Blah!</p>

<p>has anyone heard of anyone getting denied yet?</p>

<p>hey all, </p>

<p>i sent in my resume, a recommendation letter, a certificate of being in an honour’s society, and scheduled a tour too.</p>

<p>Hokie Birded today! I am applying to biochem and am a second semester freshman at JMU with a 3.65. Has anyone heard of people getting the hokie bird and denied? I am not quite sure how excited I should be haha. I see some of you guys have really great credentials and I bet you will all get in. And I didn’t send a resume in either, so I think you guys will be fine. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Congrats, Hetz! And also to the rest of you who have received the Hokie Bird. The Hokie Bird definitely means that you’re accepted. Everybody that I know personally plus everybody who I’ve talked to, which is roughly about 30 people from the past few years, all got the Hokie Bird and were accepted about a week later. So there is certainly reason to be excited.</p>

<p>This wait is awfulllll. Does anybody know how many waves they send out for the whole process? I believe this is the second wave, so I’m wondering if there will be between 4-5 considering it’s only March and they have till May 1. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>I’ve heard of one person getting denied but to say this kid isn’t qualified is an extreme understatement. I don’t even think he had the required eligible GPA of 2.5 to be considered so that may be why he was denied so quickly.</p>

<p>Anybody else know of any cases where people were denied?</p>

<p>I called today and was told that the next wave would be sent out next week and that another one would be sent out in mid April</p>

<p>Oh, okay. That makes sense. I would assume they would send out 1 more around May 1. But this ‘wave’ is essentially the people that have received the Hokie Birds the past week, right? When they say wave, I’m assuming they mean the actual acceptance letters and we all know that you get the Hokie Bird a little before the acceptance letter. So if we don’t receive a Hokie Bird within the next few days I would assume we would have to wait till around Mid-April. Ughh.</p>

<p>BTW, you didn’t ask them about denial letters or notifications did you? I’m wondering if they determine whether you’re accepted or not when they review your application, so if you’re not in consideration, do they send out the rejected notifications at that time or wait till May 1?</p>

<p>last year a lot of people were getting the hokie bird from around 3/27-4/4 so hopefully we all see it by then :)</p>

<p>Idk dude my mom actually called without me knowing and i was in class. They said the notifications were next week, mid april, and then just before May 1st. They said I should know before May 1st and don’t be nervous if you haven’t heard yet because they also told her that they have been working mainly on freshman applications lately (I’m assuming because their deadline is April 1st I believe- I could be wrong).</p>

<p>Oh, okay. At least that calms the nerves down a bit. Thanks for the insight, though. If anybody else hears of anything or knows anything, please, chime in!</p>

<p>I wouldn’t read too much into what the admissions office tells you over the phone. They are just giving you the generic response they are TOLD to give. </p>

<p>Logically I think that every day that passes without seeing that hokie bird, our chances go down slightly. Not to be a downer or anything, but just going off statistics every day we don’t see a hokie bird and someone else is, that’s less space for us. :(</p>

<p>Anyways tomorrow is the day, I’m feeling lucky.</p>

<p>wrjosh- don’t be so down about it! You will find out soon enough. what is your gpa/ major?</p>

<p>March 1st was the deadline for applications. That means it has been roughly 20 days since they have started looking at applications.</p>

<p>Did you find out your acceptance to the college you are attending now in 20 days? I sure didn’t, took my college like 3 months to get back to me. It sucks waiting, but you have to have hope.</p>