Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Hetz- I had to send in my midterm grades as well. I sent them in early March though, who did you email back? Just VT admissions? I sent mine to this lady in admissions office who I met with and she said she would update my file bu I kind of feel like she didn’t because my application status hasn’t changed.</p>

<p>And I sent them to VT admissions just incase and they never responded with any type of confirmation that my file was updated. So consider yourself lucky!!</p>

<p>Yo my status page looks like that, but for my HS transcripts, for the first column where it says HS Transcript - it has the date, but for Final HS transcript, it’s still blank… that bad?</p>

<p>I got a personal email from some lady from admissions asking for them on March 12. So I just sent them to her in a reply email on the 14th. It might have been the next day or even the same day that she emailed me back saying they put the grades in my file. And then I would say no less than a week i got the hokie bird.</p>

<p>Uhh so my final hs transcript is blank on my application page? They only have my hs transcript that was sent over a year ago when I was a senior in hs…</p>

<p>Is it true they can still admit/deny you without having the final hs transcript?</p>

<p>Oh okay I gotcha. Ugh that sucks for me then haha.</p>

<p>Patriots- You have a spot for hs transcript and final hs transcript? wouldn’t those be the same thing? Mine just says final hs transcript with the date it was received. You should probably call first thing Monday or whenever they are open and ask. I dont think they can deny you, what I have read is atleast for the next round of decisions they give them out to applicants who have completed their application</p>

<p>Yeah they can. They just need the final high school transcript by June I think. It would probably help in the admissions process though because I am sure they would look at it if they are given access.</p>

<p>I just have a blank for my final UG college transcript. For which I assume means my final grades at the end of this semester…? is anyone elses like that?</p>

<p>if you applied as a freshman and now again as a transfer it would have your highschool transcript section filled in. That’s only the transcript for all of your grades up until junior year or first semester of senior year. The Final highschool transcript is the complete highschool transcript from after you graduate. Yes, Final UG transcript should be blank because they only ask for that if you accept an offer of admission so they can see that you didn’t slack off too much in your last undergrad semester</p>

<p>Kelc10- i got an email from one of the representatives asking for my midterm grades. The email is specific and not automated because it has my name and major(don’t really know). The email said to post your course name and number with the grades you have right now and just reply(via email). Oh and they also said reply as soon as possible and before the 30th of March so that they finalize my decision… Hope this helps</p>

<p>■■■… they lost my final high school transcript, I have to re-send it. Hopefully this doesn’t screw me over with admissions…</p>

<p>So do you only send in your midterm grades if they ask you to?</p>

<p>Yes. Only send them if they ask.</p>

<p>well i hope they ask me lol</p>

<p>there was a post on facebook for VT undergrad admissions that confirmed that this week a lot of transfer decisions will be made for completed applications. Same deal as last year I’d guess. Around Wednesday-Friday (3/28-3/30) we’ll probably start to see hokie birds if we were accepted.</p>

<p>Big week for us.</p>

<p>Where did you see about the hokie bird appearing between those dates for people? Just on another 2011 forum?</p>

<p>Will it look bad on my part if I decide to not go this year and reapply for Fall 2013 for financial reasons? I mean I just received a huge scholarship for my State U and they’re practically paying for me to go to school here sooo… But the arch program sucks so I’m just getting my core/gen ed done and stuff.</p>

<p>If you look at last years thread, many of them found out between the last week of March, but I don’t think it means that its over. There were students who got their decisions later on as well… So I believe that many of us will find out in the coming week,but in case we don’t remember we got till May 1st.</p>

<p>Do you mind sharing the name of that thread or how i can find it?</p>

<p>My god, I’m nervous.</p>