Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Here is the Link
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Read the date and time on the sides when they start talking about “seeing” the hokie bird…</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>there was another thread that was about 22 pages long with a larger sample of students and the majority were able to see the hokie sign around the last few days of march and a few days into april…</p>

<p>Does anyone know if this next big wave normally includes rejections too?</p>

<p>What does it mean when they have not asked you for your midterm grades?</p>

<p>doesn’t mean anything. It’s rare for them to ask for your midterm grades.</p>

<p>SO is that a good thing when they dont ask for midterm grades??</p>

<p>It could be good because it means that they are probably going to make a final decision based on your midterm grades. So if you have good grades it could be enough to make them offer your admission. But if you had really bad midterm grades then it would hurt your application and probably make them more likely to reject you.</p>

<p>Whether its good or bad depends on how good your mid terms are. Otherwise, if you don’t get asked, then its not really good or bad. People are going to get rejected without being asked, and people are going to be accepted without being asked. But if you have good midterms and they ask you for them, it is definitely a good thing because it makes you a bit less in the dark about it.</p>

<p>so it doesn’t matter anyways.</p>

<p>Pretty much. haha</p>

<p>thank you for the honest answer lol.</p>

<p>Since Hetz93 and I both have applied to BioChem…It probably has something to do with our specific major… i am going to send my email (midterm grades) tommorrow after class and lets see where we go from there…</p>

<p>Did they ask you for your midterm grades or are you just sending them regardless?</p>

<p>I got an email on friday and so did hetz93(way before me)… They want me to send an email back with my grades so that they can make a final decision…</p>

<p>mmmmm ok good luck haha</p>

<p>When they tell you to email them your grades, do you simply just type each course and each grade? Or do you have to show them the link to your mid term grades? </p>

<p>I feel like that’s kind of sketchy if they just ask you to type your grades in via email considering people could just lie and say they have better grades than they actually have.</p>

<p>Thats what i did when i sent mine in early march. I thought it seemed weird too but thats what an admissions lady told me to do. I mean yeah but if you say you got all As and your final transcript is bs and cs then obviously there will be an issue haha</p>

<p>They could lie, but they expect your mid terms to reflect what you get on the final grades that you have to send them in your final transcript. If you have lower grades than on your mid term report, they could easily revoke admission.</p>

<p>Yeah, that makes sense. How low of grades do you think you have to get for them to revoke your admission? </p>

<p>I know of a guy who got a ‘C-’ in a class which got his admission revoked as a transfer to Tech but I thought that was because nothing below a ‘C’ transfers. What if you still got a 3.0 but had two ‘Cs’ ?</p>